layered bangs hairstyles

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  • cal6n
    May 2, 10:47 AM
    Google's approach is completely different. When phones running the Google OS detect any wireless network, they beam its MAC, ssid, signal strength and GPS coordinates to Google servers, along with the unique ID of the handset.

    You can check if any androids have reported your home network to google by inputting your router's MAC here:

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  • skoker
    Jan 9, 04:51 PM
    Awesome Running smooth. We're the first in line so its smooth. Keynote coverage and ***removed**** release.


    You must be either excited or ignorant, spoiler ;)

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  • Peace
    Sep 12, 08:27 AM
    Is this new? DLO Home Dock Deluxe

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 9, 12:08 AM
    - Thin laptop
    - Macbook Pro Update
    - Macbook in silver and black
    - A PDA (I know we have the iPhone and iPod Touch...)
    - AppleTV bump and iTunes rentals
    - iTunes 7.6

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  • arkitect
    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    Was this really a much requested feature? :confused:


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  • SMM
    Jan 12, 04:12 PM
    Yeah. I love the products but I loathe the man. Then again I'm just a regular user and not one of those scary MacDroids. You know, the ones with the blank stare, the ones that repeat mantras about Windows viruses and the dreaded blue screen of death... some even believe Windows gives you AIDS. They're kind of like scientologists or Jehova's Witnesses. But you gotta keep in mind those were the ones he was addressing, as always. Hence the smugness. The Keynote is his church and he is their god. Notice the constant applause and cheering over stuff like, oh, some new button or menu item. Mac will always be my second platform because these people just scare the poop out of me.

    Whatever you are attempting to sell is failing the 'smell' test (if you follow me). You do not know the man I am fairly certain. I am always suspicious about how well screwed on people are, who see others as mindless droids and cannot keep their bowel movements under control. :confused:

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  • tekker
    May 3, 09:34 PM
    I'll buy one when it gets a capacitive pressure based screen/stylus (Like the HTC Flyer)

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  • imuk
    Aug 16, 09:14 AM
    I received a 2A62XXX Display last week with a May production date. No idea whether it is an old or a new one. However, I did notice a few dead pixels last night after watching a movies. (The movie credits came with a black background. Great for dead pixel discovery!)

    By just looking at it, I noticed at least 4 dead pixels, some appeared stronger than others. They are all on the left half of the screen. Is this considered an acceptable or normal number of dead pixels? I am tempted to return it while I can. Any suggestions?

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  • berkleeboy210
    Sep 12, 09:23 AM
    OK, Now i'm really ticked off.... - Had about $300 in unauthorized charges to my debit, this morning. so now I have no Debit card to buy anything Apple Related today with :mad:

    Which Means, they WILL release the True Video iPod, and the iPhone.

    Damn Scammers ruin our lives.

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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:09 PM
    No. 4s is reality. 5 next June/July. Then every June/July after. :apple:


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  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 10, 08:54 AM
    I wonder if all of you people who are proposing a diesel/diesel hybrid are Europeans, because in America, diesel is looked at as smelly and messy - it's what the trucks with black smoke use.

    Furthermore, George Bush, arguably in the pockets of the oil co.'s, said "America is addicted to oil", and then went on to say how we should get rid of oil use. Not switch to more efficient fuels like diesel, but other tech. I'm sorry, but I just don't see America ever becoming a diesel nation again.

    As far as the Chevy Volt goes, I just don't like the name... but the price is right assuming they can get it into the high $20,000's rather quickly.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:03 AM
    Film content from Fox and Dreamworks?!

    Look at the german Quicktime page, bottom left, under "iTunes Videos": Transporter 2 from Fox and Red Eye from Dreamworks!!

    They appear to be movie trailers.

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  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 09:48 AM
    Um, am I missing something here?

    That is a completely different song??? And I don't understand what you're trying to say.

    The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way yall need Jesus
    So here go my single dog radio needs this
    They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
    That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
    But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?
    Well let this take away from my spins
    Which will probably take away from my ends
    Then I hope this take away from my sins

    He's saying bla bla bla, God help me in one song, then cursing and using the overly said "n" word. It sounds like he's sending 2 different messages.

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 14, 08:43 PM
    I do actually know the difference between causal and correlational relationships.... :D

    I will stand by my hypothesis that something that the TSA is doing is working to make hijackings less likely to happen in the USA.....

    Just because hijackings are down doesn't mean that TSA is actually working. Since 9/11 we've had a guy who got c4 into his shoe, another who lit his underwear on fire, and countless TSA tests have shown guns and other weapons make it through without much trouble.

    Our attempts at security are at best as good as Lisa's rock, and at worst much worse because they not only slow down travellers, curtail individual dignity, and cost billions, but also breed distrust and adversarial stances from the public that is supposed to be served.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 28, 09:24 PM
    I thought about that, getting one cpu now and getting another one down the road, but the board was only $200 ( in this case maybe 2 systems would be better than one - if I get another one down the road or if Apple EVER gets around to making a new Mac Pro :rolleyes:

    well, 2 systems would be better than one, if you can afford it.

    let's see

    dual cpu:
    - 2 x i7 980x - $2,000
    - motherboard - $600
    - 12 GB of RAM - about $300
    - powersupply - about $120

    total - about $3,020

    single cpu:
    - i7 980x - $1,000
    - motherboard - $200
    - 6 GB of RAM - about $150
    - powersupply - about $80

    total - about $1430 x 2 = $2,860

    so 2 systems might actually be cheaper. i didn't put a case, since with the big $600 motherboard, it won't fit in most cases. and i assume you already have gpus

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  • mmmcheese
    Oct 2, 02:56 PM
    "Unnamed company"

    We all know who that is....Real.

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 22, 06:51 PM
    Ballmer has outdone himself this time.

    is that even possible?

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  • Willis
    Jan 8, 11:08 AM
    I believe with QT Pro, you can save files such as those. Actually... might try it now lol

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  • Renverse
    Apr 17, 12:59 PM
    Google needs to get their **** together if they want to keep competing. Everyone I know that has an Android carries around an iPod too.

    Microsoft has Zune, and it's WP7 phones and Apple has iTunes. Google has to rely on Amazon, and even then the Android MP3 App is by far the worst of the 3.

    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Yay! Now, where's the cake...

    The cake is a lie.

    Jan 15, 05:12 PM
    REALLY REALLY hankering for a backlit apple keyboard for EONS! using the same backlighting features as on the laptop keyboards. If they can do it on the laptops why don't they do it on the keyboards?

    I could not agree more.

    Sep 12, 12:57 AM
    Damn! I have jury duty so I am going to miss everything!

    Nov 24, 08:39 PM
    The Apple store onine and the retail stores are not offering double will have to choose the sale price OR your education / corporate discount. If you found a location that gives both, they aren't following the published guidelines. Good for you, but it doesn't mean the other locations will follow suite.

    You can get the corporate discount with the sale price using the online store. I did it earlier today.

    You need to add the items to the cart to see the additional "sale" discount from the already reduced corporate discount.

    Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 28, 07:04 AM
    I agree that there should be something to come from the votes...However I can't agree that the current system provokes short quick responses. No matter how many posts you have you can't view Marketplace until you have been here 6 months. I rarely post here, but I have gone way over the minimum number of posts, and I still have another month to wait.

    Rarely? I wouldn't consider over5 posts a day rare

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