boston marathon 2011 photos

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  • jaknudsen
    Apr 11, 03:24 PM

    You already can, it's called Home Sharing (, which is also available on your iDevice using iOS 4.3 and later.

    I didn't know it was possible to use Home Sharing to play music simultaneously between several Macs - care to tell how? (not being sarcastic, just curious)

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  • oston marathon 2011

  • macfan881
    Sep 12, 05:16 PM
    With The New Get Album artwork is it possible now to update the Artwork to the ipod now? :confused: cause i dont see any of the artwork that i have gotten on my ipod


    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 date.
  • oston marathon 2011 date.

  • rdrr
    Sep 15, 05:52 PM
    I thought 10 Mega Pixels were possible with some tech that is suppose to arrive at the end of this year for phones.

    I wonder if the new phone was like the original iPod Shuffle. You wear it around your neck. That would be funny. I would like the Star Trek Next Generation phone were you tap it on your chest to call people and it automatically goes into speaker phone. That was sort of like the shuffle concept with simple controls and no screen. Even works with iTunes.

    Hmmm that is an intresting thought. I saw a demo, over a year ago, of a wireles VoIP phone at Dartmouth University that did just that. They wear them around their neck or use a clip, but it was voice activated, and they actually called them their "Star Trek badges".

    boston marathon 2011 photos. Qualify for Boston Marathon
  • Qualify for Boston Marathon

  • Kingsly
    Sep 13, 10:38 PM
    Wow, what a day. First I set off to buy new phone after waiting for any potential announcements on the 12th. To my disappointment the phone I wanted (and had been researching for at least 6 months) has been suddenly and without explanation dropped from Cingular's lineup. Come home to grieve and study up on blackberries and find, to my surprise/delight this story! :)

    I, for one, believe the iPhone rumor. There is wayyy too much evidence pointing toward it. I've talked to people who work at 1 infinite loop who say that is commonly accepted knowledge that an iPhone is imminent. Thanks to Apple's compartmentalization, nobody knows exactly when or what. :mad:

    (of interest, my source says she sees always Steve walking down the halls holding all kinds of gadgets nobody has ever seen before – always in a hurry to whatever department the gadget presumably came from)

    boston marathon 2011 photos. Boston Marathon 2011
  • Boston Marathon 2011

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:44 AM
    You're also the guy that will wreck his car because I force you to, and you're also the guy that I will then sue to pay for my deductible and any applicable medical costs. And I'm the guy that will laugh in your face and say "gonna move for me next time?" as I walk out of court and you cut me a check.

    I'm sorry, but if you're the guy that goes 70mph in the fast lane and refuses to move, you are at fault for what ever I chose to dish out to you, for not having the common courtesy to move your car.


    And your ethics take an even worse.
    The system is clearly broken and you are living proof of it.
    Heck if something like that you did that me i would use this thread as poof your actions and laugh my ass off when end up in jail.

    boston marathon 2011 photos. Boston Marathon 2011
  • Boston Marathon 2011

  • vladi
    Apr 15, 05:17 AM
    This is most unfortunate. Now that TB is a reality, it would be far better if Intel just kills USB 3.0 completely as fast as possible. There is absolutely no advantage whatsoever in having USB survive past 2.0 at this point. With 3.0 barely entering the market, there is no value in letting it get a foothold. It is pathetically obsolete compared to TB.
    What is with the comments about wanting USB 3.0 on Macs? What a huge waste of time and money - you should be wanting TB on more peripherals. Even if Intel is going to be dumb enough to keep USB 3.0 around, hopefully Apple will hold the line and refuse to put it in Macs. With Apple's resurgent strength in the computer market while everyone else is tanking, that would be enough incentive to get the peripheral makers to adopt TB.

    So you want Firewire thing all over again? Apple is too small to push and make hardware standards thats the bottom line, sure they can just ignore it but cripple their users.

    Now here is a kicker, what portable hardware can utilize the speed of TB to its advantage? HDD cant they are limited to their RPMS anyway, audio interfaces are fine with USB2 or FW400/800 and soon they will be switching to USB3. So that leaves you with video I/O devices that could benefit from TB. Niche market that is.

    Until SSDs becomes portable reality we will not see wide spread of TB. And only then it will be up to Apple to support advanced SSDs.

    USB is way too widespread to be ignored and belive me TB will always be secondary to USB kind of like FW is today. I dont agree with it but thats how it will go down probably.

    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 route.
  • oston marathon 2011 route.

  • tatonka
    Mar 24, 09:01 AM
    I don't get peoples fascination with thunderbolt. Besides that it is new, it is pretty much useless right now. I agree that it is a cool port once they come out with the suitable accessories .. but til then, I couldn't care less.

    The one thing I would like to see is the thunderbolt mag safe adapter as basically a one plug docking station .. not sure that is ever going to see the daylight though.


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  • oston marathon 2011 route map

  • Sodner
    Apr 19, 12:54 PM
    So what? They're already getting sued by Apple, so what's another lawsuit? Point is, contract breach or not, Samsung could cripple Apple's whole ecosystem within days by halting all processor shipments. Apple makes the vast majority on iDevices and this would kill Apple's whole economic model. And this doesn't even account for Samsungs components that go into their Macs. As a result, Apple would have no hardware to sell. They would dip into their treasure chest. It could be devastating to Apple.

    You should be on Apples Board of Directors because none of them must have thought about this.

    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 logo.
  • oston marathon 2011 logo.

  • Spiritgreywolf
    Apr 30, 04:38 PM
    Okay, all the new processor stuff - awesome. Wonderful that it will have some super-fast ports.

    When I got my 27" 2.7GHz Core i7 iMac, I tried boosting some throughput with iSCSI and fatter network packets between my older MBP and my Drobo-FS NAS.

    Alas, that was not the case. I was restricted to the network framesize of 1500 because someone at Apple decided to cheap-out and go chintzy on the network chips.

    Are they going to do the same thing on this round? Gee - one extra dollar might have made a big difference. As it stands, only my OLDER MBP and an ASUS P6T Mobo-based PC I built can handle bigger frames. :mad:

    So tell me Steve - gonna do that again? Cheese-out on something you think *I* don't need? Personally I would e-Bay my 27" iMac and get a new one - but if the Broadcom chipset is chintzed again, a new iMac will never be in my future again...

    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 logo.
  • oston marathon 2011 logo.

  • Sobering
    Sep 4, 03:32 PM
    New iMacs? Are you freakin kidding me? I just bought a damn iMac and now there is already new ones! Pffff...

    boston marathon 2011 photos. Boston Marathon 2011 (on the
  • Boston Marathon 2011 (on the

  • kjs862
    Mar 22, 11:13 PM
    I recently returned my 2011 mbp and will be waiting for the SB iMac. The 15 inch model I had ran too hot and I felt like I couldn't really use it when it was on my lap. So I decided to go with a base model 13 air and will also go for an imac. To pay for the imac I will sell my 30 inch display, since I don't need it anymore because the imac has a nice display!

    boston marathon 2011 photos. 2011 Boston Marathon
  • 2011 Boston Marathon

  • ciTiger
    Apr 22, 01:46 PM
    Backlit keyboard is a must... That alone would keep me away from teh MBA

    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 poop.
  • oston marathon 2011 poop.

  • heehee
    Apr 25, 09:06 AM
    I'm just wondering if anyone can help me reassure my mother that she'll get out of a parking ticket that we got tonight.

    We were going out to dinner, and we parked in a handicap spot in downtown ann arbor (we were parallell parking). The sign wasn't clearly visible, so we didn't put up my grandmother's handicap sign in the windshield (she was with us). When we came back from dinner, my Mom found a nice $100 parking ticket on the windshield (her first in 24 years) because there was no handicap sign. So here's my question, she should get out of it if she goes down to the police station with my grandma and my grandma's handicap sign, right? She convinced that that won't work, but I think it will. Any opinions?



    Good luck with reporting my plates. I've done that to drunk drivers before, the 911 operator has told me "We're sorry sir, we cannot divert officers based on heresy." Also, see above: My uncle is the traffic court judge in the jurisdiction where I did this, good luck getting a ticket to stand.

    EDIT: @mrsirs2009 - No I actually just felt like going fast.

    Listen you're not going to beat me with legal antics. My mother is a senior partner at the largest law firm in Michigan. I've grown up in legal libraries and in courtrooms watching her. You're lie detector statement is total BS. Lie detectors are not admissible in a court of law; also a court can not compel someone to take a polygraph. My previous history would be easily disputed. There were no witnesses present (besides my mother) when I was highbeaming her and laying on my horn. There were however cars present when she brakechecked me. There was one car present when I brakechecked her, but not when I cut her off. The simple fact is that I plan these things out in order to reduce my legal exposure, and increase the other person's legal exposure, in case there were to be an accident/law suit.

    Go ahead and call me twisted for giving people what they deserve. It amazes me how such little things tick people off.


    I thought your mom is a senior partner at the largest law firm in Michigan and your uncle is the traffic court judge ? :D

    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 logo.
  • oston marathon 2011 logo.

  • Unstupid
    Apr 30, 01:11 PM
    Hey.... Where is my updated Mac Mini?

    boston marathon 2011 photos. Boston Marathon 2011 Date:
  • Boston Marathon 2011 Date:

  • Erasmus
    Sep 10, 05:39 AM
    OK, Now Apple HAVE to release our precious Mini Mac Pro and put one of these in it!

    Yep, Apple need a smaller Mac Pro with one processor very soon. I think maybe at Macworld, if not sooner?

    Merom is going to stay at about this speed for many years. There are no quad core mobile processors on the Intel Roadmap.
    So when we have 2 core Merom iMacs, which will no doubt last us until Santa Rosa half way through next year, and 8 core Mac Pros with dual Clovertowns, do people not see the slight gap???
    Perfect for a Mini Mac Pro. Or a beefier iMac. But I would prefer the Mini Mac Pro. Then at least the lineup would be 2-4-8 core, instead of pretty much a quadrupling of power in well threaded applications between highest consumer and lowest pro. Now that's just insane.

    So... Merom MBP's on Tuesday or Wednesday. Merom Macbooks in a month. Clovertown Mac Pros and Xserves, PLUS Kentsfield Mini Mac Pro (conroe on all but highest model) all at Macworld 2007. Not too much of a stretch at all, in my opinion, especially when all we are likely to see on the Mac Pros and Xserves is new CPUs dropped in.

    It seems I got my iMac Ultra (in some form) so I'm starting lobbying now on Mini Mac Pro. One Conroe CPU socket, 4 RAM slots, 2 PCI Extreme slots, 2 HDD bays. 600W PSU, and enough cooling to allow us to continue to upgrade parts as long as the socket stays the same, which should be a few years yet.

    boston marathon 2011 photos. Boston Marathon 2011
  • Boston Marathon 2011

  • Squonk
    Aug 28, 01:57 PM
    So, uh.... PowerBook G5's tomorrow?

    Yeah, something like that...:cool:

    boston marathon 2011 photos. Boston Marathon 2011 Course
  • Boston Marathon 2011 Course

  • milo
    Sep 13, 09:16 AM
    I have never been more happy to be proven wrong. But now: Steve has been lying to us about the capabilities of this great iPod 5G for nearly a year now, just so we wouldn't anticipate the iTunes Movie Store.

    Lying? Come on. It already supported 640 in mpeg4, he never said it couldn't support other resolutions in the future with a firmware/software update. Did he ever say, "The hardware makes it impossible to ever support 640 with h.264"? No.

    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 date.
  • oston marathon 2011 date.

  • Zombie Acorn
    Apr 16, 10:17 PM
    Paying higher taxes in Canada is well worth the benefits here IMO. There are still those groups who take advantage, but it seems to a lesser extent here. Aside from wait times everyone seems content with paying taxes for what they receive. There are some things I disagree with where the government oversteps their bounds (and others where they don't step in enough, cell phone companies/Internet suck up here due to no competition)., but the election system is also much better IMO. I don't know 100% how the system for election works here but it seems the government was challenged a couple months ago and they are already voting for pm. No year long campaign.

    boston marathon 2011 photos. oston marathon 2011 route.
  • oston marathon 2011 route.

  • Optimus Frag
    Apr 23, 12:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I was under the understanding that the reason that the current 320M has been so impressive considering the aging Duel Core CPU was the increased speed of data transfer from the SSD meaning a large increase in efficiency in both the CPU and the GPU.

    So surely it stands to reason that if the intergrated GPU of Sandy Bridge is only slightly less powerful than the current 320M but will be partnered with the SSD and a MASSIVELY more powerful CPU then the sandy bridge MBA will be at least as powerful in graphics terms than the currant MBA.

    Am I just being stupid thinking that?

    Apr 22, 02:25 AM
    I have no idea how this would be useful. Buffer times, connection loss, no WiFi around, these are all problems that will prevent this from working.

    What's wrong with storing music on hard drives locally?

    Yeah, my sentiments exactly. This seems pretty useless, at least for me. I can't get too excited about it.

    Aug 31, 10:27 PM
    Well, if I hadn't downloaded the Lost episodes from the iTMS, I might have agreed with you. The fact is, they look better than I expected.

    I've found that videos downloaded from the iTMS generally look better on my TV than DVDs I've ripped and encoded for the iPod myself. I've tried the maximum iPod-compatible quality settings, and still cant get as sharp a picture as the Lost episodes I have. Except during really dark scenes, it's easy to forget I'm not just watching regular TV. It's obviously not nearly as good as a DVD, but it's not YouTube either. That being said, I have standard definition TV... no HD here. YMMV

    I still think Apple will have to up the video quality if they want people to start buying downloads instead of actual discs.

    I use the AV cable just for Jhonen Vasquez photos (time for a Invader ZIM themed iPod) and Keynote presentations.

    Mar 29, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (S60; SymbOS; Opera Mobi/SYB-1103211396; U; en-US) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)

    I can belief this. Nokia is a strong brand and will definitely have a large impact on WP7 marketshare. The phone market does'nt revolve around the States.

    Completely agree... Cost is a huge factor that will really come in to play here.

    Nokia and Windows... They will revive each other!

    Mar 29, 01:37 PM
    I bet these same analysts can predict lottery numbers for the next 4 years too.

    Apr 22, 02:41 AM
    I have no idea how this would be useful. Buffer times, connection loss, no WiFi around, these are all problems that will prevent this from working.

    What's wrong with storing music on hard drives locally?

    Buffer times and connection loss could be eliminated as problems very easily:

    When you load a playlist, your iPhone begins to download all the songs immediately in the background. Since a song is only a few megabytes, several songs could be downloaded in the span of one song during playback. These songs are then cached in a pre-determined sized local library and kept there until needed to make room for new incoming songs. A smart system could be employed to determine songs that should be prioritized to be kept in cache based on playcount and other listening patterns.

    In an iPhone with 32GB of flash, a few GB of music could be cached without taking much room yet storing massive amounts of songs without the risk of interruption from slow or loss of connection.

    What I'm looking forward to the most is how this service will work with video. I love Apple's move to a streaming format for tv because downloading and storing movies and tv shows is unsustainable in the long term. Laptops and iOS devices have limited HDD/flash space and it's a complex chore to maintain a video library on an external HDD separate from your iTunes music library. Backing up is also a problem for libraries that can exceed a TB or more.

    Buying the rights to a movie or TV episode is preferable. You can then stream that video to any iTunes enabled device including in a mobile device like an iPad which would otherwise not be able to hold much video because of its limited storage capacity.

    Finally, one important thing to note is that this cloud locker will free one more of the chains that is preventing iPad from becoming autonomous from a computer. With mobileMe taking care of syncing email, address book, iCal, and bookmarks, and now this music locker taking care of granting you access to your entire iTunes library, you won't need to sync an iPad/iPod/iPhone to a Mac or PC again. Poof! There's your wireless syncing that everybody's been clamouring for.

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