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  • tdream
    Apr 11, 07:56 AM
    If they found it once what's the stop them finding it again when apple update it? They know how to.

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  • applesith
    May 3, 11:20 AM
    2 External displays?? That is very very sexy! I want one. Too bad i can't justify the purchase.

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  • cube
    Mar 30, 01:41 PM
    So, here is an interesting argument, as app is short for Applications, and Applications are a strict subset of programs, doesn't the App Store technically sell Programs, not Apps? Thus, the term is no generic at all. "Program Store" would the generic term. It's the same as a club called "Liqueur Store" (which is TMed.)

    That's like saying it's OK to name a restaurant "Burger Place" because it's technically a "Fast Food Place".

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  • silverblue3
    Aug 28, 12:15 PM
    Assuming they release it tomorrow, would it be available at the apple store right away(not the online store)? :confused:

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 27, 01:29 PM
    Of course, they've never really cared if people get offended, even their own voice actors (Issac Hayes).

    Hayes has issues... He stuck with the show and helped Matt and Trey and the folks at Commedy Central poke fun at every race and religion... And then came the Scientologists turn to get made fun of. Hayes, being a Scientologist, didn't agree with that (even though it's OK with him to defile every other religion), so he announced he was leaving the show.

    Oh, and the Mr. & Mrs. Tennorman chili was classic. Cartman rules. ;)

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  • blipstutter
    Mar 23, 12:22 PM
    Would love some buyers advice here:

    Is their a benefit to the Imac, over just buying a Macbook Pro with a nice big widescreen monitor for a couple hundred bucks?

    Add in Thunderbolt's supposed endless expansion capabilities using adaptors, and is seems like the way to go for the most flexibility, and you could use it as a makeshift desktop, couldn't you?

    I ask, because i must upgrade very soon for a job (early April), and I use my system for video editing.

    I'm not terribly current on the speed tests comparisons, but I've used a standard Macbook for FCP and the only hit was the rendering on something like making DVD's. For me, the screen real estate, and a machine that will upgrade to Lion, and FCP 4 without choking is key.

    Any thoughts?

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 11, 09:04 PM
    I agree - this is really something. As has been noted, it's just huge the increase in a short amount of time - the original Core release was only a short while back, then Core 2 Duo - which just made it into the iMacs - and now the Core 2 Quad release date of Mid-October! The pace is just astounding.

    Not only that, but as Arn and others note, the Quad Xeons are on the way as well. So, there is the path for 8 core Mac Pros in the very near future.

    Quad core iMacs, 8 core PMs (opps, I mean Mac Pros) - oh my.

    This amazing chip release rate - and significant increases each - will really put Apple to the test in terms of updating products quickly to stay competitive in terms of hardware release. In the past, Apple had to deal with chip upgrades so infrequently. It's a great problem to have, I suppose.

    I also echo the comments above re: isn't this the kind of thing that makes you glad Apple switched to Intel? Absolutely.Thank you. Over on page 13 of the September 12th Event Predictions ( string they are insulting me as insane and that this is no biggie. :eek:

    I think they've all gone Movie Store iPod Nano crazy. If I had just pulled the trigger on an iMac or a Mac Pro I think I would be a little sick to hear this news. I guess we can speculate Apple could be late to the C2Q systems party. But I agree with you they really need to be on time given we all know the C2Q processor is out there.

    I think what we're seeing is a flood of new generation processors hitting the streets in rapid fire succession that won't always be quite as often in future.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 10:01 AM
    Good - now we won't have to wade through any arguments with fanbois who claim that the iMac is the "most powerful desktop on the planet"....


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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 10:40 PM
    You know what's sleazy? Working with a partner while secretly copying that partner's work to create a competing product.

    Microsoft did this to Apple with Windows. Google did this to Apple with Android. And Samsung did this with their phone/tablet designs and their UI overlay.

    The Beatles did this to Apple, oh wait, they had Apple Records and the Apple logo for over 5 years before Apple Computer existed. But I'm sure that is overlooked.

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  • Vercingetorix
    May 3, 04:38 PM
    I use my 2010 27" iMac as a monitor for a PC gaming rig that utilizes the mini-display port and I must say that this will be the last iMac I own until they change this. This was one of main selling points for me since I could still use a pc and not have to suffer with the iMac's poor gaming performance.

    No matter how you slice it, the integrated video card with the current iMacs CANNOT drive the resolution these displays use.

    The only option is build a high end PC that can push that kinda resolution at decent framerates.

    The video cards in these machines will be perfectly adequate for 95 percent of what 95 percent of their potential customers need, and that's what Apple cares about. Why eat into profit margins and complicate the product line when such a tiny segment of the market cares about something?

    Now that they have removed the option and restricted it to TB only display ports, we are now forced to "upgrade" to a new mac tho it still cant hold a candle to whats available to system builders today.

    I made the switch to Mac years and years ago but I think it's finally run it's course. When this thing takes a **** and they offer me a new one through my Apple Care, I'll sell it and buy a real display an perhaps mac mini.

    Apple has fallen so far behind the desktop computing business and its clear they want to funnel their remaining customers through this purchase path.

    They haven't fallen behind; they're just not interested in serving the market you're part of. Apple are interested in selling elegant, integrated, simple computers to ordinary people, and ordinary people play games on consoles. The universe of potential customers who care about high-end gaming on personal computers is relatively tiny, so Apple always have and always will ignore it. I'm an occasional gamer myself, so I know it's frustrating, but the simple fact is that if you use a Mac to do most of your day-to-day computer stuff, you're going to have to have a Plan B to do any high-end gaming. The market isn't big enough to make Apple care otherwise.

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  • Detrius
    Mar 16, 10:31 AM
    I can just imagine that future Apple operating systems might very well include native protection that wold continue to thwart people wanting to sell anti-malware for Apple OS.

    OS X Server ships with clamav for filtering viruses through the email server. Lion merges client and server. Therefore, there will be an antivirus program shipping with 10.7.

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • arn
    Apr 11, 01:59 AM
    They'll change the key and force a firmware update on any airport express user who wants to update itunes.

    Are the 3rd party AirPlay speakers firmware upgradable?

    That will break compatibility with those speakers.


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  • twostep665
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    Yes, they were running away and unarmed. Read the article before making such an idiotic post.

    If they were running away and unarmed then the security guard was in the wrong.

    Tennessee v Garner says that you cannot shoot an unarmed fleeing felon in the back.

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  • ipedro
    Aug 23, 07:16 PM
    Maybe not, but why do I think Apple could have bought the entire company for that kind of dough?

    They still can. Apple can turn around tomorrow and buy Creative for what it's worth and would have in essence paid itself the $100M. :D

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  • slapple
    Apr 25, 01:02 PM
    Based on how these rumors go, in a few days there will be a new rumor saying that the 2012 MBPs actually won't be a redesign after all...

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  • karansaraf
    Apr 15, 12:54 PM
    So Apple have just released MBPs with Sandy Bridge and will now be releasing Ivy Bridge MBPs in 2012? I was really planning on getting an MBP this summer...

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  • TheKrillr
    Sep 5, 05:53 PM
    Tell ya what..If I want to watch a full length movie I'm gonna do it in my living room in front of my TV NOT wherever the computer is.

    Exactly why there'd be the video equivalent of airtunes... haven't you been paying attention?

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  • gregorypierce
    Apr 11, 02:28 AM
    Unlikely - this would require the new private key be embedded in the firmware update package, which would defeat the purpose of replacing the old key.

    This is a fundamental issue with DRM solutions - you, as the consumer, have to hold the private key. They (Apple) can obfuscate where that key is, but in the end it has to be accessible in some manner. It's the same thing with iTunes DRM. If someone cares enough, they can almost certainly retrieve the private key (which is how Requiem works).

    I'm guessing Apple may make some half-hearted move or another; but I doubt they care all that much.

    Indeed, because any company that tries to take advantage of that can almost certainly be sued by Apple with little issue.

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Sep 5, 04:21 PM
    I think the notion that Apple is trying to get is like this senerio:
    Somebody who is bored on a Friday night with nothing better to do, who does not feel like driving out to the local video rental store. Howabout being able to download it on your computer for $4.99 for a 5 day rental.

    Seeing that I just got Batman Begins for $5 from Blockbuster, I think $4.99 to rent it a bit extreme.

    Sep 5, 04:40 PM
    Indeed it is. Microsoft is simply DEAD after 12th of September...Apple is finally gonna reach the status of market leader in media and computers...this is gonna be mindblowing.

    How long after September 12th? Certainly not anytime in the forseeable future. I wouldn't even dare to speculate on such a reversal of fortune for a company like Microsoft.

    Personally, I wouldn't want Apple to be that big. It's easier to lose sight of quality when your userbase is pretty much the entire world. That's not to say Apple wouldn't do it better than Microsoft, but since Apple's install base has grown, so has the problems with their products. Of course, that's just simple numbers (of which I really suck :) .) Perhaps the percentage has always been the same, but on the surface, it doesn't seem like that is the case. There are a lot of people complaining about random shut-downs on their macbooks.

    Apr 11, 01:22 AM
    Ikea's doing it because they can get away with it. They know labor laws in the US are there to protect the employer, not the employee. They couldn't do this back home in Sweden.

    Who is passing all the anti-union legislation? The right or the left?

    Are you referring to the public-sector unions that workers must join and must pay dues to? Because Unions exist everywhere in just about every field. How would the recent push against public sector unions collective bargaining effect this private company? It seems IKEA has the power to mistreat its employees because they're desperate for work. They've even hired a firm to "convince" the workers not to unionize.

    As Ugg pointed out, the 'right' has pushed for anti-union policies, including 'right-to-work' status for states like Virginia. That said, I don't think this is a 'right' or 'left' issue per se, but rather a gleeful removal of worker's rights to garner jobs—regardless of the health of a community funded by low-wage, short-term positions.

    yes, but I'm looking for evidence that the workers are unable to unionize due to a law that the "right" has passed.

    Apr 20, 12:59 PM
    There is no proof that it is sending that information to anyone.

    [conspiracy hat]
    Ah, so the REAL reason for the humongous Apple data center with petabytes of storage? dun dun duuuun...
    [/conspiracy hat]


    Apr 19, 10:33 PM
    How sleazy of you, Apple.

    Almost like stabbing in the back.

    Not nice, Apple, not nice.

    You know what's sleazy? Working with a partner while secretly copying that partner's work to create a competing product.

    Microsoft did this to Apple with Windows. Google did this to Apple with Android. And Samsung did this with their phone/tablet designs and their UI overlay.

    Oct 27, 10:27 AM
    and nobody noticed this?
    The group had purchased a small both with contract terms to only hand out leaflets within their assigned area and to not take photographs at other stands.

    booth! not both! :rolleyes:

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