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  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 5, 08:48 AM
    2pm GMT

    As i said earlier

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  • zeroh3ro
    Feb 28, 12:27 AM
    Finishing my graphic design degree this May. The large intuos might get replaced by a cintiq very soon.

    What bag is that your using?

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  • jonharris200
    Sep 1, 04:00 PM
    "Thin is in". I like that slogan.

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  • LarryC
    Mar 24, 05:22 PM
    Mac Pro's have big power supplies but thats mainly for the CPU and Ram, adding a 6970 would be pushing its limits, especially for gaming.

    Couldn't they simply upgrade that as well? I can't imagine why they couldn't. I mean we are talking future Mac Pros.

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 22, 11:47 AM
    To me this is like the people that don't support war. If a veteran was killed in action and a funeral is happening they can picket the funeral all day long (talk about bull ****!) But yet if we don't let them picket they freak out scream free rights free rights. Well guess what those veterans (me included since I serve) gave them that freedom to stand there in picket.

    Which anti-war groups picket veteran's funerals? The only group that I'm aware of is the Westboro Christian anti-gay Church.

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  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • Eye4Desyn
    Apr 19, 01:53 PM
    It's about time. The new iMacs can't get here fast enough :D

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  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 7, 12:26 AM
    That's a heck of a decision! I'd sell it back though. If he built that car, there's a huge bond he's now missing. There's always a mint E30 M3 out there somewhere. ;)

    Yup. I will not find a buyer that has more invested into a car than the one who did the majority of the restoration/ engine+suspension swap. Damn, I've only had the car for 6 days, and he called again today to make another hard offer. I have to put my thinking cap on, but honestly I am already tired of searching for a good DD/ AutoX car to buy. Pics to come of another car should something happen:eek: LOL.

    MMMM, E30 M3. Gives me chills....

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  • Jonny1989
    May 2, 08:12 PM
    I still get updates for "Hands Off" even though ive deleted every file i can see relating to it. any help?

    hopefully it removes every file

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  • Tonsko
    Jan 6, 10:14 AM
    If properly maintained, mileage holds no bounds! BMW's will go to 250k easy.

    The engines will, no problem. It's all the expensive bits around them that can't!

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  • boncellis
    Jul 18, 02:57 PM
    In the meantime, Movielink already offers rental and purchase options, and I read that they will also be allowing you to burn your own DVDs, although I don't know the details.

    This is from their site:

    Seems to me the difference between this rumored Apple service and Movielink or Vongo or Moviebeam, et al, is analogous to the difference between the iTMS and Yahoo! Music, Sony Connect, Napster 2.0...

    Apple just has a knack for getting it right, and it's by allowing the user the most control. I just don't see the service staying a rental-only venture for very long.

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  • mccldwll
    Apr 25, 07:36 AM
    Apple hackers develop better jailbreaks now so they can keep up with the superior system Android has.

    There's so much more one can do with Android.

    After having every iPhone, I tried Android and I'm so amazed at their great capabilities.

    Android is awesome.

    That said my Iphone 4 is best as an iPod replacement.

    I have the best of both worlds.

    Don't believe a word this troll posts. Not even a good liar. Here's its first post--from about 2 weeks ago!

    " Apr 8, 01:55 PM * #1
    macrumors 6502
    Join Date: Apr 2011
    Location: Western Hemisphere
    Please Help with OS versions MBP & iPhone 4
    Just switched from PC to Mac

    Bought a new 2010 MBP with 10.6.4, and a new iPhone 4 with 4.3.x

    I've been using the computer for about five months, but the iPhone just arrived right now, and I haven't even unpacked it yet when a question came to mind.


    May I sync the new iPhone to iTunes for the Initial Setup WITHOUT updating OS X on my MBP?

    I prefer NOT to just yet, since the computer is running perfectly and I'm still getting accustomed to it.

    I'm also not ready to have the Mac App Store installed until I get familiar with the rest of this change from PC to Mac.

    Thanks "

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  • Scottsdale
    May 2, 07:48 PM
    This shows exactly where Apple is headed with OSes. It is combining its iOS and OS X for consistency. I think one OS brand is the future Apple envisions whether we like it or not.

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  • stoid
    Aug 6, 09:57 PM
    I'm at work tomorrow too, but seeing as my 'boss'/co-worker is also a huge Apple fanboy, and since the Keynote starts at noon local (CDST) I'm expecting that we'll fire up macrumorslive and eat lunch whilst get text updates. Too bad there's no live video tho...

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  • 3N16MA
    Nov 23, 09:33 PM

    X-rays and casting. It counts as a purchase.

    Hope you got a deal. :D

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  • Peterkro
    Mar 21, 06:09 PM
    Run! Run for the collines!

    Grim but accurate.

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  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • coolfactor
    Apr 2, 07:19 PM
    This ad campaign is trying to do what Think Different (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oAB83Z1ydE) did. Let's see how good it gets, but nothing will top the Think Different campaign. Nothing.

    justin bieber and selena gomez backgrounds. justin bieber and selena
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  • jholzner
    Sep 6, 05:57 PM
    Does anyone else think that Apple really really needs a rental model for the movie store? I'm against it with music but it's not the same a movies. I don't want my harddrive full of these things. I would be nice to rent one for much less, watch it and delete it. I don't see it being very successful if it is for purchase only.

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  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 7, 06:20 PM
    Because there is not enough of it, and it will increase our need of foreign oil not lessen it.

    There is twice as much gasoline refined from a barrel of sweet crude than diesel.

    Can you quote a source on that? As far as I'm aware, that is not necessarily true (http://www.theoildrum.com/node/2174). It all depends on what is in highest demand. Diesel can be refined into gasoline, and gasoline is what people in the US want at the moment. I will try to find some more citeable links than this (http://cr4.globalspec.com/thread/26624/Maximum-gallons-of-diesel-from-a-barrel-of-crude-oil), but my impression is that a single barrel of crude always potentially contains more diesel fuel than gasoline. This is a very market-driven process. Refineries make what people want to buy.

    It's also worth pointing out that a lot of gasoline has ethanol and other compounds in it that diesel does not have, and that stuff had to be refined before being added - increasing the engery cost of refining gasoline. Regular unleaded gasoline also has more sulphur in it than the now mandatory-for-passenger-cars ULSD fuel.

    For a long time, and in many places people that drove diesel vehicles did so because of the tax advantages. The taxes were kept lower in order to make commercial usage cheaper.

    Diesel may be cheaper in Europe due to tax structures, but the same could be said about gasoline here. It doesn't have to be that way in either case. On a purely technical level, gasoline should actually cost more because it takes more energy to refine.

    It is not greener to go diesel. It takes that resource from other parts of the economy and puts it into cars. Cars do just fine with gasoline. They are relatively clean and there is twice as much of the stuff in a gallon of oil. They don't get better mileage except in volume of stuff. Which is not the correct measurement. If cars became more diesel, then diesel would become dramatically more expensive, affecting the overall livelihood of everyone, dramatically increase the cost of oil and bring about energy devastation much faster than anyone could imagine.

    Diesel takes less energy to refine, contains more energy per unit of volume, emits less CO2, you get potentially more of it out of a barrel of crude and diesel engines are always more fuel efficient than equivalent gasoline engines. Where's the problem?

    I can't see how you are going to argue that it is necessary for us to drive gasoline-engined cars in order to prevent "energy devastation". Most other countries already use a much larger proportion of diesel and they seem just fine. We could make a lot more diesel with the crude we are currently extracting, and the market for gasoline will never go away.

    By moving to hybrids and electrics, we actually decrease our dependence on foreign oil, and make our cars greener per mile driven. This is why it is the answer and diesel isn't.

    I am not advocating that we all switch to diesel. Nor do I want to get rid of the gasoline engine (especially in performance cars!). But the USA has an unecessary obsession with the gasoline-engined car. We need diesel serial hybrids for starters, and more hybrids and diesel-engined cars of all types. There is no one solution. If tens of thousands of people in the US started buying diesel Cruzes, it would not destroy the world's energy infrastructure.

    But come on - "energy devastation"?

    the argument for that silent agreement ? they don't want "a horsepower arms race"... look how well that has turned out

    Indeed. Same with the Japanese and their 280hp/180 km/h limit. Some of the cars made under this "agreement" were considerably faster/more powerful than was officially admitted, and anyway they did away with that a number of years ago.

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  • Stridder44
    Nov 28, 11:55 AM
    For all those people talking about XBox let's not forget one major thing about it. It took off because of Halo. What you may not know is that Halo was originally a mac game from a mac developer that MS bought in 2000. Read up on it to tell your MS fanboi friends here.


    Without Apple gaming there probably would be no XBox today.


    Wow! That was new to me! The more you know I guess..

    Feb 23, 09:45 PM
    Nice and simple. That's what I really should do is arm mount the display and MacBook... *ponders this* Can you still get to the optical drive in the MBP?

    Edit: I'm looking at Amazon right now, do you have to have two arms for the way you have everything mounted? I'm thinking that the answer is yes.

    Thanks :]

    The optical drive on my model is in the front, so it's blocked by a "flap" that keeps the laptop from falling off. I suppose you could just lift the machine up for a moment to insert a disc though. If it's one of the newer MBPs (or any model MacBook) and the drive is on the side, you should have easy access.

    And yes, it's two separate arms, as per the links.

    Mar 25, 08:53 PM
    You fail to understand the difference between "API" and "API-class" hardware.

    I lol'd.


    Feb 28, 02:49 PM
    Nice setup. What's the story behind the "double" windows, I've never seen anything like that before.

    Back in the days before double or triple glassed windows, this was the only option for better insulation compared to a single window.

    Apr 3, 02:11 PM
    Man. People complaining and I won't even get mine 'till the 28th. Looks like I won't be part of the fun.

    Aug 6, 10:43 PM
    Yep. And Milk. Steve Jobs will climb down your chimney, eat the cookies, and pour the milk into any PCs he finds in your house :)

    Well he won't find any PCs! Our house is PC free. We have a PowerMac G5, iMac G5, Powerbook G4, and a MacBook. He would be very happy :D

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