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  • Erwin-Br
    May 2, 05:28 PM
    No, Microsoft have not got it right. There should be no need for a specific tool to uninstall applications. applications should be self-contained and be deletable with the press of a button?

    Many applications work this way on Mac, some developers still put related files into various other locations though unfortunately...

    Uhm, not every app can be self-contained, and it's even in Apple's documentation that you need to store your plists OUTSIDE of the App container and in the Library folder instead.

    And that makes sense, because for example, there are apps that need to save settings. If you store these settings inside the app, the next time your user updates it the settings are overwritten.

    I hate it how dragging a Mac App to the trashcan leaves plists and other files scattered around.

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  • funtagged hottest Pictures

  • Jack97
    Apr 3, 04:13 AM
    Did anyone else thing that was a really bad advert? They hardly showed the product fully at all!

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  • Title justin bieberfeb

  • timswim78
    Aug 30, 09:58 PM
    I don't think that is always the case. In this case, specifically, we are likely looking at the high end mini bumping down to the low end price range, and the high end being a new machine. That would meant that the high end mini is basically getting a price drop, which would push the refurb price down: the refurb Core Duo mini is currently MORE than a new Core Solo. I'd definitely expect to see Duos get a price drop in the refurb store if the new mini line up is 1.66 duo and 1.83 duo.

    It will be interesting to see how Apple stocks and prices the refurb store once the new chips are in the Intel machines. I have noticed less and less PPC refurbs for iMacs and Minis. I guess that Apple is holding onto them in order to replace PPC machines that go bad while under warranty.

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  • i found this justin bieber

  • danvdr
    Oct 23, 11:12 PM
    FWI Dell Just Lowered The List Of All Their Monitors ? 30" $1279 24" $679 Right Now (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productlisting.aspx?c=us&category_id=6198&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs). We paid $1349 last week in a sale and now it's been trumped. New 30" list is only $1599 and 24" list is $799.

    2007FP 20" 1600x1200 is now only $359.20 (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=320-4687). This is amazing.

    And the E207WFP 20" monitor (which seems to be comparable to the 2007FP minus a few bells and whistles (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productcompare.aspx?c=us&category_id=6198&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&p=320-4688~320-5123~)) is only $289.

    justin bieber family photos. JUSTIN BIEBER BIOGRAPHY FAMILY

  • moondog190
    Feb 25, 07:52 AM
    left to right:
    20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen. 16gb iPod Touch, Late 2008 MacBook Pro on top of Griffin iStand controlled by an Apple wireless keyboard and Magic mouse, 1TB Seagate external HDD, 32gb Ipad wifi only, 21" Samsung display, 2cd Gen. TV, Razer Lycosa keyboard and Razer Death Adder mouse which controls a Windows XP box i built for my job(under the desk). You can barly see it but there is also a Power PC Mac Mini on top of the Windows machince which acts as a FTP server.

    justin bieber family photos. justin bieber family photos.
  • justin bieber family photos.

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 01:51 PM
    you can be certain that the price-difference is there. since merom and yonah are 1:1 compatible, why would anyone use yonah istead of merom? but since the two will be sold side-by-side, yonah obviously has some benefits that merom does not have. and that benefit is most likely price.

    I've got hard facts to back up my claim. Do you have any for yours? :)

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  • Justin+ieber+family+

  • codymac
    Apr 11, 01:20 PM
    That said, VW/Audi`s DSG semi auto`s are excellent.

    So are their manual gearboxes.

    justin bieber family photos. Justin With His Family
  • Justin With His Family

  • admanimal
    Mar 31, 12:16 AM
    Can you only get one code per dev account? What if I want to install on multiple computers?

    The thing that downloads from the App Store is the installer. Once you have it on one computer, you just copy it to another.

    justin bieber family photos. Justin Bieber At The �Never
  • Justin Bieber At The �Never

  • pigwin32
    Aug 25, 03:27 PM
    I guess we're diverging from the actual rumour - new Mac Mini real soon.

    I look at the existing Mac Mini, and your wish, and see too many $ signs!.

    Perhaps our wishes require a range of options. Mac Media HD vs Mac Media. ;-)
    I would be happy with FW800 although it would be hard to justify an immediate upgrade on that basis. It's annoying to have a FW800 raid device that can only operate at half speed. Of course esata (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esata) would be nice but then I'd also have to upgrade my drive.

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  • justin bieber

  • AidenShaw
    Nov 29, 08:42 PM

    Intel has taped out--or completed the design of--Penryn, a 45-nanometer chip that will be out toward the end of next year.

    The company is also in the midst of making its first Penryn samples.

    "They aren't out of the fab yet, but they are in the fab," said Mark Bohr, director of process technology at Intel, referring to chip factories, known as "fabs."

    Intel showed off a memory chip made on the 45-nanometer process earlier this year.

    The Penryn news underscores Intel's expertise in manufacturing. The company has introduced new manufacturing processes every two years. Meanwhile, competitors such as Advanced Micro Devices have had to space out these jumps. Intel started shipping chips made on the 65-nanometer process in October 2005. AMD won't ship its first 65-nano chips until next month.

    Disclaimer: The preceding headline exhibits excessive exuberance. In truth,

    "No official details concerning the Penryn chip design were announced this time, however, according to previously published news-stories, the chip code-named Penryn is a 45nm incarnation of the dual-core Intel Core 2 Duo processor for mobile computers (code-named Merom) with SSE4 technology..."


    But, since Intel has stated that two dual-core dies in a package is the right way to do quad-core at 65nm, which implies that 45 nm is the right way to do quad-core per die, and two quad-cord dies in a package at 45 nm is the right way to do octo-core at 45nm - obviously we'll have a PowerBook G5 next Tuesday.

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  • family,may Justin+ieber+

  • iSee
    Oct 23, 11:17 AM
    Hey, if there's a rumor every single week that upgraded macbooks/mbps, it will eventually be true! :D :D :D

    When it finally does come true, MR will announce it snidely: "Apple announces upgraded notebooks today, as predicted..." and link back to the one rumor (of dozens, I think) that was accurate.

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  • justin bieber never

  • Built
    Apr 2, 07:44 PM
    what the **** are you talking about?!!!

    you are getting false information, I would dare say 99% of ipad 2s have absolutely no hardware problem.

    You're deluding yourself.

    justin bieber family photos. Justin Bieber#39;s Family amp; �Big
  • Justin Bieber#39;s Family amp; �Big

  • Goldfinger
    Aug 31, 12:12 PM

    What about this ? :)

    justin bieber family photos. Justin Bieber#39;s dad is using
  • Justin Bieber#39;s dad is using

  • dalvin200
    Oct 23, 08:45 AM
    well i hope it happens this week. but i'll believe it when i see it

    i saw it in my dream.. does that count? ;)

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  • justin bieber facebook,

  • twoodcc
    Dec 14, 09:32 PM

    I was over at kakaostats and saw there is someone new this week "elena" (http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1604130), up only since tuesday and they already have over 4M points! Must be an institution with a wicked fast cluster? Some serious players out there...

    hey thanks for that link. i didn't know about kakaostats. nice

    You are #103 cruncher for the whole project, whao!
    And actually #1 and #2 are default user, not real...

    Can't wait for Gulftown Mac Pros and SMP2 (maybe 60k PPD with one machine?).

    yeah i'm just worried about the price of those new mac pros.


    The Gulftowns, SMP2 and GPU3 will make for an impressive bump in PPD I hope. It will be interesting to see, I'm hoping some overhead will get cleaned up as well.

    I wonder what companies besides Apple will get their software ported for Grand Central/OpenCL in the next year? Lots of potential there.

    yeah i think we all are ready for smp2 and gpu3. should help us all really

    Do far grand central/open cl has done nothing for mac users...

    so far, yes. but hopefully soon that will change

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  • family,justin bieber emily

  • dguisinger
    Nov 28, 02:24 PM
    It may not be true that they broke even, it's just something I thought I heard on a tv interview...

    Sony is selling the PS3 at a loss as well, Nintendo I'm sure is making money on the Wii...

    There was also a lot of buzz for the 360 a launch & after, MS has sold over 15 million XBOX 360's in the last year, so I think they have done pretty well....

    I don't think Sony has the best plan, if they did they would have launched earlier, had more units at launch & not be so overpriced...

    Actually, I'll make some corrections for you:
    Sony is losing $241 (source: iSuppli) on each PS3 at RETAIL pricing. We all know that Sony sells to distributors who sell to retailers, all of whom profit, so if you accept a 30% combined margin you are talking well over $300 loss per console. Their games are also in the $70 range to make up for it.

    iSupply also states that the xbox 360 costs $323 for the premium unit to build; at $76 less than the retail price. After the channel margins are taken out, Microsoft is breaking even. Microsoft is already a year into things, and is about to release a cheaper xbox 360 using 65nm parts, which will save them even more. All in all, Microsoft is looking fairly good this time around for turning a profit. Infact, in an interview this past week I read that the Entertainment division would have turned a profit this year if it wasn't for the Zune.

    As far as # of units sold:
    XBox sold 27 million units
    Xbox 360 has sold 7 million so far, and Microsoft expects to sell a total of 10 million by year end.
    Sony has sold 200,000 units in the US, and won't hit 400,000 at year end.
    Wii has sold 400,000 units, and will hit an estimated 4 million by year end.

    The Xbox 360 and Wii also both have very high software attach rates (I've bought 5 titles already for my Wii); and Microsoft i'm sure is making a killing on Live.

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  • justin bieber family pictures.

  • Kranchammer
    Mar 24, 01:20 PM
    Even then though...I dont think this means anything special for non-MacPro owners. Everything else gets the mGPU treatment:(

    Well, that's because all of Apple's other products are constrained by power and/or space requirements.

    justin bieber family photos. J.Bieber nd Family
  • J.Bieber nd Family

  • RaceTripper
    Jan 10, 07:45 PM
    IMO F1 died along time ago it's so boring now. My favourite, most entertaining and close action racing is British and World Touring Cars.

    BTCC is some of the best and most entertaining racing on the planet. NASCRAP wishes it could be that exciting.

    justin bieber family photos. Moments justin bieber,
  • Moments justin bieber,

  • havenhamilton
    Jun 22, 11:34 PM
    To me this seems like the desktop would look a lot like the iOS with "apps" which you could use like a touch screen. when you would actually go into apps it would switch back to the regular style of mouse and keyboard. it makes sense that in order to make the iOS more complex and powerful they would make osx simpler and more like the iOS. the simplicity of the iOS with the power of osx.

    Jan 2, 04:41 PM
    I personally think we'll see this:

    1) 2G iPod nano available in 16 GB edition. Apple drops the 2 GB edition and lowers the price of the 4 GB to $175 and 8 GB to $225.

    2) 30 GB 5.5G iPod dropped, replaced by new 40 GB model. 80 GB model has no changes.

    3) "True" video iPod (about the size of the Samsung Q1 handheld computer) arrives with 16:9 aspect ratio screen with full touchscreen functions. Will offer either 80 GB or 120 GB hard disk drive capacities.

    Mar 28, 12:03 AM
    I just realized that mc68k hasn't had any points since the 14th of March, hope he hasn't gotten in trouble for folding on company machines...

    yeah i noticed that also. i hope he's able to fold again soon

    I have it all back together now and hope to ride it tomorrow, weather permitting. The paint chip didn't look like this, but I love it! The original silver frame and pipes contrast nicely.


    Apr 3, 03:16 AM
    Mine did too. Returned it to Apple, got a new one in 10 days. No bleeding.:D

    As does mine. Great device otherwise, but unfortunately it will be going back to the Apple store on monday.

    Sep 6, 05:50 AM
    The layout for the mini page on the uk store is different to usa with lots of white space on the right hand side, might be a new model?

    Apr 2, 08:57 PM
    This is something people need to realize once in a while. It?s not about CPU and RAM. A Droid Incredible can have an 8 megapixel camera, and the photo quality may be not be the best people expect. An iPhone 4 can have 5 megapixels in a sensor and people are delighted with the quality!

    Specs are nice, but learning that it actually WORKS, is something other.

    My HTC Incredible came with a 73 page manual. . . I get loads of pop-ups asking me if I want to do this or that. . . They disappear while I'm trying to figure out which course of action I want to take. . . The 73 page manual doesn't mention them. That's why it's not "Magical." it's "Incredible."

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