what color are justin bieber eyes

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  • justin bieber crying on stage.

  • appleboy
    Mar 21, 09:22 AM
    Thats not the least bit true ! and if you lived in Japan - you would understand. I don't mean to be rude at all. Dell for example has desktops for under 100 000 yen (about $1 200 US)....

    eg:Australian Meat for example is cheaper than Japanese Meat....

    Most foreign products are cheaper or about the same price as the Japanese product
    1200 for a dell they sell for 499 here with a monitor hey are still **** computers though

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Re: Hair and Eye Color
  • Re: Hair and Eye Color

  • hvfsl
    Aug 16, 08:09 AM
    I didnt even think about the wii.... :eek: I still dont see why nintendo and apple cant get in bed together, they both would like to see M$ fail, and they both could profit from a aliance, just imagine, pluging the ipod into the wii and then shopping for music on the wii... :cool:

    Well there are rumors that you will be able to download old nintendo games onto the new iPod.

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Re: Hair and Eye Color
  • Re: Hair and Eye Color

  • rhythmac
    Nov 27, 04:36 PM
    Stop buying things for yourself! 'Tis the season of giving, you know.

    but I need so many things! Am I selfish?...well maybe a little, but don't judge!!!!

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  • pictures of justin bieber eyes

  • LimeiBook86
    Apr 19, 12:08 PM
    My iMac is a bit over 5 years old, perfect time for an upgrade! :) All I'd like is a Thunderbolt port and a decent graphics chipset, I'm sure everything else will be fine. And a heck of a lot faster than my 2GHz Core Duo! Come on Apple, show us what you've got. :D

    what color are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber eyes closed.
  • justin bieber eyes closed.

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 03:07 PM
    I still think amazon can win this case as their name is "appstore" instead of "app store" in many icons. When typed as text, the full name given is usually "amazon app store", not just app store.

    So it is possible Apple could get the final app store trademark approval after challenges from Microsoft, etc. and still lose this case against amazon.

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Justin Bieber 16 years
  • Justin Bieber 16 years

  • Agaetis Byrjun
    Feb 21, 08:35 PM
    Very nice.

    What music genre do you dabble in? And what monitors are those? Do they sit that flush out of the box or did you hack the stand off in favour of some armature?

    I'd say most of the stuff I do is indie rock, shoegazer and some electronic style stuff. No real strict genre.

    I have two 24" HP monitors that are on their original stands and sit like that right out of the box. You can adjust the height but I like it at the lowest, that way I get a bit more sunlight in.

    The other lone monitor is a 21" Viewsonic. That one I did remove the stock stand and now it's just sitting on a hard case that one of my microphones came in and is just leaning up against the wall. A bit ghetto but it doesn't look too bad.

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Eye Color. Brown. Hair Color
  • Eye Color. Brown. Hair Color

  • Alpinism
    Nov 16, 12:06 PM
    An unlikely scenario. Don't expect any price drops on mac pros for a long time after clovertown chips are in them.

    Thats the beauty of going Intel, you dont drop the price ? DELL, HP and the other competitors WILL.

    what color are justin bieber eyes. What#39;s My Best Look?
  • What#39;s My Best Look?

  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 01:21 PM
    Yay, news that's something other than iOS related.

    Now hopefully the Mac Mini will get updated as well.

    Spike Spiegel FTW. :cool:

    what color are justin bieber eyes. HOW ARE YOUR EYES THAT

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 03:07 PM
    I still think amazon can win this case as their name is "appstore" instead of "app store" in many icons. When typed as text, the full name given is usually "amazon app store", not just app store.

    So it is possible Apple could get the final app store trademark approval after challenges from Microsoft, etc. and still lose this case against amazon.

    what color are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber girlfriend
  • justin bieber girlfriend

  • fertilized-egg
    Mar 24, 11:09 AM
    For those of us with large libraries or store our music in uncompressed or at higher bit rates, the Classic is the only game in town.

    There are still some quality HDD MP3s, most notably the Cowon X7, http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/01/cowon-x7-pmp-review/

    what color are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber eyes. i Love to
  • justin bieber eyes. i Love to

  • puma1552
    Feb 5, 08:48 PM
    For something creeping up on 15 years old, that thing is in fantastic shape. Mustangs are an odd car for me. I never seem to like them each time a new one is released, but then the older they get, the more I start to like them. A buddy of mine has a '93 Cobra with just a couple thousand miles on it, and I absolutely love it.

    I read a story a while back about people and their music tastes. Many people never really get out of their 20's with their favorite bands. The stuff you like around that age is what sticks with you forever as your favorite. I think it might be something similar with cars. I see cars from back in the early-mid 90s, when I was in high school and then into college, and I get all nostalgic and stuff. Fox body 5L Mustangs, FC RX7s, C4 Corvettes, Syclone/Typhoon, etc. The older I get, and the older those cars get, the more I love them. New cars are nice, but some things just stick with you. And those cars are permanently stuck with me.

    Treat that Stang nice Puma, because it is certainly a keeper.

    Well said.

    Yeah it's definitely been taken care of, both owners kept it for quite a few years each, both only putting about 6,500 miles a year on it. You can tell it's been garaged likely its whole life because the headlights and tail lights aren't hazy from sun exposure.

    I remember when these cars were just 1-2 years old, basically factory fresh, and I would go to the dealer and drool over them under the lights at night--ones just like this, with these 17" wheels and leather. I've always loved them, and probably always will. I'm also a fan of the 5L cars, and the thirdgen F-bodies of the day (I own a thirdgen Camaro too).

    I really can't wait to get it.:)

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Justin Bieber Mother. but he
  • Justin Bieber Mother. but he

  • Hastings101
    Apr 2, 11:07 PM
    Always have to use the word magical

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Color in the pupils,
  • Color in the pupils,

  • rmhop81
    Sep 7, 10:31 AM
    i don't think buying family pack for .Mac gives you 5 licenses. i think it's more like spliting one .mac account to 5.
    here's a direct quote from apple.com store

    "You'll get one main .Mac subscriber account with 1GB of storage space and four additional .Mac accounts with 250MB of storage space each"

    so still a decent deal compared to apple price

    what color are justin bieber eyes. pictures of justin bieber eyes
  • pictures of justin bieber eyes

  • Porchland
    Aug 24, 08:43 PM
    Movies are on their way to iTunes...

    And Front Row is getting refreshed in Leopard...

    I'm still in disbelief that the Mac mini will become a set-top box, but all the pieces are starting to come together.

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Portraited by: Justin Bieber
  • Portraited by: Justin Bieber

  • Galex
    Sep 7, 07:39 AM
    Apple keeps track of all the songs you buy anyway, so it's my opinion that you should be able to just "get another copy" if you have already purchased a song. I think this would be especially great for movies. That way you won't have to eat up precious hard drive space. You could purchase your movie, download it, watch it, delete it, and then re-download the movie if you want to view it again.

    My thought exactly! Apple should be the holder of a virtual movie library, in which you would have access to all the films you have ever bought from Apple, possibly limited to a fixed number of computers per account. iTunes or some new software would keep track of the films in your library, including all kinds of information and trivia about the movies you have purchased. You should be able to save your films on your own hard drive or DVD-R if you wish, but Apple would provide the long-term storage capacity necessary for people who have large collections.


    what color are justin bieber eyes. eye color sea green
  • eye color sea green

  • ImAlwaysRight
    Aug 6, 08:42 PM
    Mac OS X Leopard, Hasta la Vista, Vista


    what color are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber eyes closed.
  • justin bieber eyes closed.

  • xAnthony
    Mar 22, 10:04 AM
    What has this world come too...

    what color are justin bieber eyes. What color looks hot on Justin
  • What color looks hot on Justin

  • strabes
    Mar 22, 05:35 PM
    a bulk mobile storage capable of pushing audio/video out to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, etc.

    Your computer can do this right now with AirPlay.

    what color are justin bieber eyes. Justin Bieber Surprises
  • Justin Bieber Surprises

  • dmaxdmax
    Nov 28, 05:09 PM
    'Course, if Microsoft could, hypothetically, stop being such an evil company, I'd certainly overlook their shady past and could even, Jobs forbid!, use some of their products (provided they'd be up to my typical Mac User's standards :rolleyes: ). :D

    "Jobs forbid" - funny

    Yes, their EQ (Evil Quotient) may change over time as might their global strategy. We won't know until we know, ya know?

    If in 1960 you told me the day would come when IBM wouldn't make a ton of money leasing card sorters I'd have been sceptical. (many called them evil for refusing to sell card readers to companies while charging the fair market value many times over on long-term leases) If in 1990 I had told you the day would come when IBM wouldn't be in the PC business you might have been sceptical. I, a dyed in the wool Apple fan, wouldn't have predicted Apple's success 10 years ago. MS has the money and worker-bee brains to stay in any game they choose to play. They should be ashamed of the Zune and I don't understand why they rushed it to market but I don't think it's a slam-dunk that it, and they, are doomed for the trashbin of corporate history.

    I wouldn't mind being wrong in the least.

    May 2, 07:48 PM
    This shows exactly where Apple is headed with OSes. It is combining its iOS and OS X for consistency. I think one OS brand is the future Apple envisions whether we like it or not.

    Sep 6, 06:00 PM
    this surely is good news. but i wont be watching movies on my current 'pod...the window is too small. all this being dependent on wether or not it's gonna be available in the UK. it's a real bummer not to be able to download TV shows i love like you americans can!


    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 7, 06:20 PM
    Because there is not enough of it, and it will increase our need of foreign oil not lessen it.

    There is twice as much gasoline refined from a barrel of sweet crude than diesel.

    Can you quote a source on that? As far as I'm aware, that is not necessarily true (http://www.theoildrum.com/node/2174). It all depends on what is in highest demand. Diesel can be refined into gasoline, and gasoline is what people in the US want at the moment. I will try to find some more citeable links than this (http://cr4.globalspec.com/thread/26624/Maximum-gallons-of-diesel-from-a-barrel-of-crude-oil), but my impression is that a single barrel of crude always potentially contains more diesel fuel than gasoline. This is a very market-driven process. Refineries make what people want to buy.

    It's also worth pointing out that a lot of gasoline has ethanol and other compounds in it that diesel does not have, and that stuff had to be refined before being added - increasing the engery cost of refining gasoline. Regular unleaded gasoline also has more sulphur in it than the now mandatory-for-passenger-cars ULSD fuel.

    For a long time, and in many places people that drove diesel vehicles did so because of the tax advantages. The taxes were kept lower in order to make commercial usage cheaper.

    Diesel may be cheaper in Europe due to tax structures, but the same could be said about gasoline here. It doesn't have to be that way in either case. On a purely technical level, gasoline should actually cost more because it takes more energy to refine.

    It is not greener to go diesel. It takes that resource from other parts of the economy and puts it into cars. Cars do just fine with gasoline. They are relatively clean and there is twice as much of the stuff in a gallon of oil. They don't get better mileage except in volume of stuff. Which is not the correct measurement. If cars became more diesel, then diesel would become dramatically more expensive, affecting the overall livelihood of everyone, dramatically increase the cost of oil and bring about energy devastation much faster than anyone could imagine.

    Diesel takes less energy to refine, contains more energy per unit of volume, emits less CO2, you get potentially more of it out of a barrel of crude and diesel engines are always more fuel efficient than equivalent gasoline engines. Where's the problem?

    I can't see how you are going to argue that it is necessary for us to drive gasoline-engined cars in order to prevent "energy devastation". Most other countries already use a much larger proportion of diesel and they seem just fine. We could make a lot more diesel with the crude we are currently extracting, and the market for gasoline will never go away.

    By moving to hybrids and electrics, we actually decrease our dependence on foreign oil, and make our cars greener per mile driven. This is why it is the answer and diesel isn't.

    I am not advocating that we all switch to diesel. Nor do I want to get rid of the gasoline engine (especially in performance cars!). But the USA has an unecessary obsession with the gasoline-engined car. We need diesel serial hybrids for starters, and more hybrids and diesel-engined cars of all types. There is no one solution. If tens of thousands of people in the US started buying diesel Cruzes, it would not destroy the world's energy infrastructure.

    But come on - "energy devastation"?

    the argument for that silent agreement ? they don't want "a horsepower arms race"... look how well that has turned out

    Indeed. Same with the Japanese and their 280hp/180 km/h limit. Some of the cars made under this "agreement" were considerably faster/more powerful than was officially admitted, and anyway they did away with that a number of years ago.

    Jan 7, 04:02 AM
    Is that a Vauxhall Corsa i see there? great little car, not very cool i admit but it just keeps on going =)

    Yes, it's a Vauxhall Corsa. Brilliant car to start in, never broken down either. Except I did brake the hand-break once :D Pulled it to hard I think, had to park the car in gear over night.

    Nov 29, 05:48 PM

    some ideas:

    A) I think Apple wants to stay out of trouble with content providers. I think they will allow Elgato to add some DVR functionality to front row via their EyeTV software and hardware.

    B) the USB port might be use for that.

    C) good idea

    D) I doubt. Apple like to keep things simple

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