long straight hairstyles 2009

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  • techzone707
    Apr 30, 11:38 AM
    I cannot wait for Lion!

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  • kopite19
    Mar 17, 06:53 PM
    I have to agree with OP. I paid ?500 for my iPhone (i work for a UK mobile network so wanted to use my staff sim rather than get on a 18/24m contract) on launch and every day I have to deal with snide remarks from people I work with. One with a WP7 and one with a Palm Pre. They usually revert to the antenna or flash argument which have never been an issue for me.

    It's always unprovoked and usually occurs when comparing an app with another iPhone user, to which they'll bulldoze in and start wittering on about Steve Jobs or calling me a "fanboy"...heh

    Nothing you can do but accept this will always be the case when purchasing an Apple product as I got exactly the same kinds of retorts when using my MBP or even the little Magic Mouse...

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  • lordonuthin
    Jul 22, 04:27 AM
    My router is having some trouble, seems to quit working whenever I'm at work :mad: I bought a new one on ebay, hope it gets here SOON!

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 9, 11:39 PM
    That's a bit of a superficial hypothesis you got. The majority of computers in the world are still Microsoft based. Perhaps businesses are switching to Apple but for now, the world is not at all run by Apple. Not even close. Once Steve controls the market like Bill and becomes half as rich as he is, we may consider talking. You need more experience in life son, as one person said, turn off your Apple product and look outside your window, there's life that doesn't breath Apple.

    No the world is not run by Apple; and despite some folks claims Apple I don't think wants to be the next Microsoft either.... it does want to own a comfortable niche however...

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  • Defender2010
    Sep 29, 08:10 AM
    Do u think if Steve decides to sell his house he can just hit a restore button to clean it up for the new owners? Then, when he moves on to the next one he can just restore from backup and nothing from before is lost!
    Silly joke I know, but I had to post it!

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  • aiqw9182
    Apr 29, 01:50 PM
    Everything and I mean *everything* is constantly being shared from these developer's builds. Check youtube. It is what it is. There are no killer features in iLion. Certainly nothing like going from Tiger to Leopard.

    Don't kid yourself. Lion's list of new features is much longer than Leopard's.


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  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 3, 09:40 PM
    The pawn records and the name on the lease should have pointed them onward, since he is likely to keep pawning crap at his new place.

    But your stuff is probably his toy until he gets tired of it, or has already been sold.

    Or the son of the lady who is there did it, and had already sold the box to a friend.

    Especially odd if she admits to have lived there since January 1st.

    Two scumbags in a row at the same house isn't too far out of the question if the homeowner rents to the same pool of people.

    It kinda sucks because I thought I knew most of the people in the neighborhood. The few houses that I don't know are the "sumbags".

    And I am guessing that someone new has my 360, it has been online way more frequently than before however they still haven't played a game.

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  • jonnysods
    Sep 30, 07:42 AM
    Very modest house for a guy of his wealth. Very impressive.

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  • Sedrick
    Mar 18, 05:03 AM
    Yeah, it's a shame the new phone comes with some baggage:

    Shaped like a brick
    Drops calls (antenna design)
    Shatters when you drop it
    Tired old OS

    ..but it's still desirable over all the other phones.

    Apple can fix some of these issues this summer, if they're not too smug to get off their high horse.

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  • citizenzen
    May 6, 09:47 AM
    I was under the impression you had.

    You were the first person to use the word "ban".

    I was responding directly to you post.

    I apologize for using the same term you had.

    It was a poor choice of words ... for both of us.

    However, in my posts immediately preceding the one in question, I used the word "fewer".

    Not zero, no ban ... just fewer.

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  • chrisd1974
    Apr 5, 04:18 PM
    Have any of you negative commenters ever owned an iPhone or even seen an iAd? If not, please reserve your comments.

    These aren't just tiny micro banners/advertisements. Those are just the teaser into viewing the full screen iAd and actually, some of them are fairly creative in their implementation. Most are fairly interactive and none of the iAds take you out of the current App your using just to view it (like the old AdMob ads would do). There may be some that allow you to email a coupon to yourself, but I haven't come across any yet.

    Long story short, if you don't like ads, don't download free apps that are ad supported or (here's a clever idea) DON'T CLICK ON THE AD. Otherwise, just keep your useless and/or 'clever' comments to yourselves unless you actually know what your talking about.

    That's exactly what we do, that's why we think THIS is a pile of ****

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  • bennyboi
    Jan 10, 08:31 PM
    Wow- imagine if someone had the button pressing capability of shifting to Steve's next slide during his keynote. He's building suspense, toying with us, and bam. Revealed. On to next slide, hold, next slide, finally A/V guy turns projector off.
    No SDK for you! 1 year!

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  • marktwain
    Nov 24, 07:15 PM
    The Apple store onine and the retail stores are not offering double dicounts...you will have to choose the sale price OR your education / corporate discount. If you found a location that gives both, they aren't following the published guidelines. Good for you, but it doesn't mean the other locations will follow suite.

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  • wlh99
    Apr 28, 09:13 AM
    Your minutes and seconds are thus never reset, so your "timer" is never reset (this is completely a seperate issue from NSTimer, hence why I say you probably don't understand the scope of NSTimer. It has no knowledge of these variables and thus doesn't reset them when you invalidate myTimer or newTimer).

    That has been pointed out. The OP is stuck thinking the timer is broken, when it works exactly as it should. I think the OP thinks that those variables are part of the timer. He also first thought "self" was the timer. I asked if/where he was resetting the seconds, and if he wanted a reset function or not. For all we know, he wants a start stop timer that doesn't reset. That would be a normal implementation.

    Also, could you please post a screenshot of your Interface Builder associations ? (under File's Owner, the tab in Inspector with all the Outlets and Actions), because I can't quite figure out what buttons are tied to what actions.

    That would be very helpful. Also, explain how you want the program to act as the user uses it.

    You also still have 2 timers. Why do you believe you need both ? Have you tried simplifying the code to using only 1 ?

    He was told elsewhere that he could not reuse a timer. I think he is still stuck on the concept (not necessarily the definition) of a pointer, and of the life-cycle of an object. I'm not sure he grasps that in the posted samples, the NSTimer was not being reused.

    None of these are trick questions, It's me trying to understand what you think this code should do vs what it's actually doing. Now, if you don't answer my questions, I can't really help you here short of writing the code for you, which does not help you learn (I have a good idea how to make the code I wrote last night do what you want to do very quickly, but I doubt you can afford me as a consultant at my exorbitant rates!).

    I have some code to post to help the OP. But for not, I'm about to get a parking ticket, so I have to leave. But I will post it today.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 06:13 AM
    My experience has been the exact opposite with the Mac, whether its trying to access a share on one of my other computers (my wife uses a PC) or accessing network resources on my work's network.

    When in windows 7 it "just worked" I had no need to mess with eth0, drivers or any manually set up a network. I was able to connect to the resource and use it. Also it was much faster.

    It has always been the same with the mac. Just go to the finder and look for shared computers.
    Taskbar: 'Go To Server/Computer'
    ssh/ftp > prostuff-not required

    I had issues with OSX, that I was unable to access any shared files from my wife's computer. Accessing my work stuff was a bit easier but was SLOW, painfully slow. I pull up a folder with a couple hundred files, and I can easily sit there for well over 10 minutes while OSX does it thing. Windows, just a couple of minutes.

    Report bugs. Are you comparing b/w OSX <-> Windows and Windows <-> Windows?

    Networking is where windows has a clear advantage of OSX, in part because many (most?) enterprise networks are windows based, at least from my experience.

    You are confusing stuff.

    Given the design of windows, there's zero chance of that, it would require a complete rewrite and the folks at MS really don't see the design of windows being flawed. Especially since they see the marketshare being what it is - kind of like why fix it if it isn't broke mentality.

    Fair enough.

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  • skunk
    Apr 21, 11:57 AM
    Mostly I was explaining that you really aren't moving the post vote by 2.But you aren't. You are moving it by 2. And it's inconsistent.

    I just clicked your "down" arrow and it went from 0 to -2. Is that 1 or 2 in your math?

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  • drsmithy
    Nov 17, 12:47 AM
    Agreed. AMD has traditionally been significantly faster and cheaper than Intel.

    Maybe if your idea of "traditionally" ignores most of the last quarter-century or so...

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  • Belly-laughs
    Oct 3, 06:23 PM
    Your idea sounds a lot like Bill Gate's smart fridge telling the us that our milk is going bad and that we should buy a new carton the next time we are at the supermarket.:D :D


    You just wait. Soon your Mac will send you a message saying it wants more RAM and a processor upgrade the next time you?re visiting the Apple Store. :D :eek:

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  • redAPPLE
    Sep 12, 08:01 AM
    I was going to receive a (female) friend tonight, but she postponed for tomorrow...so this means I will have instead a big "yawning" session tonight at Apple news/rumor sites, with few things applicable to people outside of the US...move along, citizens... :(

    why would a female friend postpone?

    Jul 14, 01:16 AM
    it's cable internet. the company is mediacom. it's the only cable company out here. but i guess i might have to go dsl if they don't fix it

    im on DSL :D it goes alright i guess.

    howcome you are getting such pathetic speeds? too many people in the street?

    Dec 13, 08:28 PM
    Yeah, that would be a complete disaster. Everyone knows after christmas, people are broke and unwilling to spend a dime until hopefully April.

    Depends on your business but I get what your saying. Apple announces in January, this gives time for people to save and create hype over the white model.

    Nov 28, 05:27 PM
    I like Black Ops multi-player the best out of all the CODs etc. It seems that fixed up a lot of outstanding gameplay mechanics and issues. Much less frustrating than MOW2.

    Schmye Bubbula
    Mar 25, 12:57 PM
    I don't think I've ever seen such a consistent troll on any forum."Consistent" is an understatement.If you think that John Siracusa (or citations thereto) is a troll, then your ignorance is breathtaking. (The absence of your actually addressing the issue at hand in lieu of ad hominem attacks is conspicuous and dubious.)

    Aug 2, 07:12 AM
    Apple Gets French Support in Music Compatibility Case

    Published: July 29, 2006

    PARIS, July 28 ? The French constitutional council, the country?s highest judicial body, has declared major aspects of the so-called iPod law unconstitutional, undermining some controversial aspects of the legislation.

    ? Apple?s lawyers might want to drink a glass of French Champagne today, but not a whole bottle,? said Dominique Menard, partner at the Lovells law firm and a specialist in intellectual property. ?The constitutional council has highlighted fundamental protections for intellectual property in such a way as to put iTunes a little further from risk of the French law.?

    Released late Thursday, the council?s 12-page legal finding made frequent reference to the 1789 Declaration on Human Rights and concluded that the law violated the constitutional protections of property.

    The decision affects Apple?s market-dominant iTunes Music Store by undermining the government?s original intention, which was to force Apple and others to sell music online that would be playable on any device. Apple?s iPod is the only portable music device that can play music purchased on iTunes, which lead rivals to complain about anti-competitive practices.

    Although the ruling could still require companies like Apple to make music sold online to be compatible with other hand-held devices, it said that the companies could not be forced to do so without receiving compensation. The council also eliminated reduced fines for file sharing.

    ?The constitutional council effectively highlighted the importance of intellectual property rights,? Mr. Menard said, emphasizing that Apple and other companies must be paid for sharing their copy-protection technology.

    The law, which had been approved by the French Senate and National Assembly last month, was brought for review at the demand of more than 100 members of the National Assembly. The council?s review of whether the law fits within the French Constitution?s framework is one of the final steps before a law is promulgated. It now could take effect as altered by the council or the government could bring it once more before the Parliament.

    The French minister of culture, Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, advocated enforced interoperability as a way to ensure diverse cultural offerings on the Internet by limiting technical constraints on digital works.

    While the constitutional council highlighted the need for compensation, it was not such good news for Apple and other companies that the principle of forced interoperability remained in place, said Jean-Baptiste Soufron, legal director of the Association of Audionautes, a group opposed to copy restrictions.

    ?It is good news for Apple because they receive monetary compensation, but much bigger bad news if it forces them to license iTunes,? he said. Link (requires login) (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/29/technology/29music.html?_r=4&ref=business&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=login&oref=slogin)

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