ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics

ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • diego
    Jan 12, 05:20 PM
    no one has mentioned that the font used in the banners is Myriad Pro Light instead of the typical Myriad Pro Semibold or Regular.. hmm

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • toaoc
    Mar 25, 07:25 AM
    ...is an ipod that is just about music and nothing else. and yeah the sound quality of the classic thats out right now does suck...i'd like to see improved battery life, higher quality chips (DAC, amps,...), digital output, maybe airplay - and all of that in a sexy, indestructable metal case with a click wheel and a small non touch display...

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. Azerbaijan wins Eurovision
  • Azerbaijan wins Eurovision

  • Consultant
    Mar 25, 03:59 PM
    Great news. And so thin!

    iPad 1 does not support HDMI out, so I'm assuming no, it doesn't work.


    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 03:39 AM
    ur goin' to be waitin' a while... just get one now.

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • MacMan86
    Apr 23, 12:56 PM
    An undocumented source proves your point, but Apple makes no reply to the allegations? I thought it was a "bug" in the software? And some police departments have known about it for a while too.

    Who needs an undocumented source when you could watch WWDC 2010 Session 115 'Using Core Location in iOS 4' at 14 minutes and 30 seconds in and hear Morgan Grainger, a man partly responsible for the Core Location framework in the iPhone SDK (read: all location functionality on iPhone) describe how the iPhone caches nearby cell tower information to help the device find its location in the circumstances above.

    Given that we have the engineer partly behind this framework explain that the iPhone caches this information, we know that the iPhone has to be storing this information somewhere. This 'consolidated.db' matches the words in the video perfectly, making it no great assumption that this is the file which fulfils this purpose.

    Granted you don't sound like a developer and so won't have access to these videos, but any other developer could do the same and corroborate this.

    It being a bug is simply a rumour which has no links to an official source. I'm far more inclined to believe the words of a guy who wrote the code that collects this information in the first place

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:15 AM
    He has a point about the XBox... It did start out slower but now is surely considered a predominant player in the market (no pun intended;) ).

    The only difference is that the XBox actually works...

    ...and Zune...


    So, yeah. I mean, I'd never buy an XBox, but it's still a viable option, nonetheless.


    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • AidenShaw
    Aug 26, 07:41 AM
    A better question is: when does the LCD OR the computer die, especially in the case of Macs? I would say never...
    Mr. Lawyer, there are several people on this thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=227917) who would beg to differ with your opinion about the immortality of Apples....

    And, by the way, I did say "Or, more likely, when the computer is obsolete you have a good screen that you can't use." - so I clearly wasn't suggesting that LCD or system failures were that common.

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Musubi
    Feb 27, 03:20 PM
    The sucky part about the 22" LCD was that it had a really high defect rate.

    I recall paying the same price for mine as the Mac Pro currently costs. Sheesh!

    Yeesh... don't remind me. The inverter board in mine started doing the blink on blink off starting around late 2003. It was really intermittent at first and happened maybe once a month. Then in the thing really went crazy and was off more than it was on. Back then, the company that sold parts rarely had the board for the 22" model (the inverter board went bad in my 17" Studio Display in 2003 and they had tons of those in stock) and I really needed a monitor so I just ended up buying the 20" Cinema Display (Aluminum). I bought the 22" along with my G4 Cube back in July 2000; the Cube was $1800 and the display around $2200... ouch!!!

    Stupid me. I should've put that money into Apple stock! If I had put the $7k I blew on my Dual 800/22" into Apple shares I could afford a Ferrari right now :(

    The amount of money I've spent on Apple products since I first started buying them in 1992-1993 (previously, had been a CP/M, DOS, OS/2 and unix gearhead) is hitting close to six figures now. :eek: If all that had been invested..... But back in 97, I did purchase several thousand bucks worth of AAPL when it was around $16 per share (pre split price basis) and accumulated a bunch between 1998-2000. Sold a quarter of my holdings after the internet bubble burst and let the rest ride even through the market doldrums that existed between 2001-2003 (didn't even considering dumping them back in 2003 when the stock had lost almost 80% of its value from its 2000 high as that for sure would have been locking in those paper losses). Those are now my core shares sitting in a Roth-IRA for retirement. Bought more between 2007 to mid-2010 (iPhone and iPad spurred those new positions) and seeing nice returns on that.

    Just to bring this back on topic, the following pic was back in 2006 when I had just gotten the Mac Pro and I connected my QS G4 to the 22" ACD. It miraculously worked without having the case of the blinkies (that lasted for nearly two weeks before it went crazy again).

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • tvguru
    Aug 7, 04:41 AM
    Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D

    You have a point, but it's already 7:40 pm on Monday here so your work day would already be done. Plus I'm in Australia so how much can I really complain?

    On a side note:
    Maybe some Aussies can help me understand the price difference of computers here. Back home I bought the 17" MacBook Pro for something like $3,300 AUD and I come over here and it's in the $4,500 AUD range. I did get the student discount back home, but that's a huge margin.

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Veinticinco
    Apr 3, 03:54 AM
    TBWA really need to step up their game. Lack of a tangible concept ("ooh it's all about the experience") and a truly awful execution especially in such a redux form. Not to mention the badly chosen score and VO.

    If you're going to make something as utterly bland and pretentious as this ad is, then at least do it on a grand scale for the sake of audience recall (Chanel 'film' with Nicole Kidman the most vomit-inducing example of this type).

    I actually cringed.

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • tablo13
    Sep 24, 05:22 PM
    Something I noticed about my Grip Vue today. The back seems to be collecting quite a bit of germs (dirt, etc.). For those of you who use a Mighty Mouse, think about how that collects dirt, but on a case.

    Does it affect the iPod touch itself?

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Feb 23, 09:26 AM

    Elegant setup. What speaker is that?

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. Nikki | Cichicean.
  • Nikki | Cichicean.

  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 01:10 PM
    I don't believe you, that's my opinion.

    I think thats why I said in the first sentence, "that's my opinion".

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • iTim314
    Apr 2, 01:58 PM
    Not sure if anyone has noticed this, but the kernel under Lion boots 64-bit by default. In Snow Leopard, you had to press 6+4 upon boot to use a 64-bit kernel.

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • EagerDragon
    Nov 16, 12:53 PM
    Previous question: How hard could it be to take advangate of the multi-cores.

    The first thing is that it depends on what you are starting with. If you have zero code out there, you can come up with a nice design for your program that takes advantage of as many cores as you throw at it. If on the other hand you have large chunks of legacy code that was written in the time of single cores, it may be close to a re-write to fully take advantage of the hardware. In some cases it will be easier in some cases to throw the old code away.

    But some of it is imagination, if you can look at a problem and the solution you orginaly came up with, and using your imagination look at the problem at hand in inovative ways, parts of the programs could be re-written to take advantage of the hardware and other parts can be left alone (for the short term). This is an incremental step, you gain X% in one area and little to nothing in another area. The key is to determine what your program spends most of it time doing and re-write/re-design that section of the code for the biggest short-term gains.

    I remeber working in assembler and selecting the correct combination of instructions based on their function and the number of CPU cycles it took to execute each instruction. Sometimes a set of 12 instructions was faster than a different set of 8 instructions in accomplishing the same result. Use your imagination and look at the problem from a different angle. If your brain only sees a number of serialized steps, you won't be able to come up with anything that takes advange of the hardware.

    What you start with (old code) and your imagination can get you there quicker or slower.

    Short answer: It depends.

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. And I#39;m running scared
  • And I#39;m running scared

  • gkarris
    Nov 28, 07:24 PM
    zune people don't seem to agree what it is bad. they just deny the true. here what they are ridiculous.


    I consider myself more a creative person, as I've been into photography since junior high in the seventies. The whole computer geekish stuff is more a passing interest, rather than a lifestyle (I really like sci-fi, but like a lot of other movies too).

    When I use my old 12" iBook G3, or my 14" iBook G4 in public, I usually get - wow, cool.

    When I use my Dell from work, or my Compaq laptop, people look at me as nerdy (they come up and ask if I could help them connect to the network).

    I'm tempted to go onto the above Zune website and hold a contest to see who has the best post as far as Zune being better than an iPod....

    Then, gift the winner "White and Nerdy" video from Wierd Al...

    Oh wait, Zune Marketplace doesn't do music videos, and the Zune won't play iTunes Store music videos either...

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. Name a bad Azerbaijan entry to
  • Name a bad Azerbaijan entry to

  • Reverend Wally
    Jan 1, 08:24 PM
    Why not just build the "iThing" ....

    Sort of like Bruce Willis' apartment in The Fifth Element.

    A small rectangular object with an Apple dial on it that you call up the menu and can choose between an automobile (iCar) and menu again to choose the Macbook Pod, and when you get to the lot you live at you click on a menu item and your house comes out of the ground and you park your iCar and click on a menu item to open the lock on the door, then go into the iKitchen to make dinner in your iMicrowave.

    Oh yeah ... and all the doors and windows (yucky word) in the iHouse are shaped like the Apple logo.

    Hmmm .... even an Apple logo shaped iSwimming Pool.c


    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • v66jack
    Mar 1, 05:39 PM
    Some people have ridiculously tidy desks, wheres all your stuff? I wish I could keep my desk as tidy as most of the people on here!

    If your one of the people with stupidly tidy desks, does it genuinely look like that all the time? Or did you throw all the stuff on the floor, take the photo and throw it all back again?

    ell & nikki running scared azerbaijan lyrics. Ele bendem - National Azeri
  • Ele bendem - National Azeri

  • Huntn
    Apr 9, 10:25 PM
    I don't remember what I learned on. :confused: But I can drive a stick on both sides of the road (U.S./England/Japan). When I married my wife she could not drive a stick and that is all we had, a 1975 Fiat Spyder. We lived on a hill in California. When she first started driving it, she would back out of the driveway and all the way down to the bottom of the hill before taking off back up the hill. She does much better now. :D

    Aug 7, 07:50 AM
    Go to Sharing preference pane, enable the Firewall, click Advanced, and enabling Firewall Logging.

    Your wish just came true. All blocked intrusions are now logged for your perusal.

    I think he means more like XP SP2 / Vista. They have a Security Center which gives you your firewall settings, antivirus (if installed) and spyware protection (if installed). Its nice to have it all in one place, no one wants to go digging thru logs, you are crazy.... LOL

    Apr 9, 04:40 PM
    Manual (stick) shift cars are rare today and I'm wondering how many people still know how to drive them. How did you learn and do you have a desire to own one?

    I sure can. Learnt on a Massey 35 before I was 10!! My last car, a 2000 sunfire was a stick. I would not own a small auto car.back in my trucks again: I would not mind a ZF6 Dmax/8.1 truck. But those days are gone, so autos are fine for me.

    Nov 30, 06:03 AM
    Apple has/had an agreement with Mc Intosh, the audiophile company not to do that. I wonder if they have resolved that by buying the company or a fee?

    This is a possible limitation.


    I was not aware of that, but breaking the agreement with Apple records not to get into the music distribution business has worked out for them I think.

    It's funny, the first hifi company I thought of for an Apple HT product was Mcintosh, the complete opposite design asthetic. If I could choose I would prefer someone a little further down the price scale. Rotel would be a nice match, very good performance for the money, for speakers Paradigm comes to mind.

    Nov 23, 10:58 PM
    ROFL, tell me about it :D

    Psht. I can get that up here for free.

    Aug 27, 05:26 PM
    Or, more likely, when the computer is obsolete you have a good screen that you can't use.

    Apple needs something between the horribly constrained MiniMac, and the preposterously huge ProMac.

    I agree. I have a 20" widescreen, and don't see a need to replace that any time soon. Over on the PC side, "they" are going to try and push you into upgrading if you want to watch hi-def content, as they will restrict playback to monitors that support HDCP. I guess Apple can try and entice you with a built-in iSight or semi-forced bundling of monitors with the iMac. But really, a good monitor can last you through at least two computers, so why waste the money?

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