justin bieber dood

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  • Yaboze
    Mar 26, 10:57 PM
    It looks very cool and I'm impressed by the 1080p video. I didn't think there was enough video memory to do that.

    The iPad + HDMI adapter looks a little awkward though. I think a cooler solution would be to have bluetooth controller support, like PS3 controllers or maybe even use the iPhone for the controller via bluetooth.

    Either way, it's impressive. Not quite Xbox 360/PS3 but definitely better than the Wii.

    justin bieber dood. teen singer justin Happy
  • teen singer justin Happy

  • Philoman
    Sep 6, 03:48 PM
    The price is slowing going up and up.

    PC user who are considering switching is thinking they can buy a whole system for this price.

    Apple should offer a $499 Mini for those who are short on money and for those who want to try a Mac for the first time.

    justin bieber dood. +justin+ieber+2011
  • +justin+ieber+2011

  • Waterboy4
    Apr 19, 01:05 PM
    The iMac update is likely to be a spec bump, Sandy Bridge, better Graphics, etc...plus Thunderbolt. I plan to hang on to my current model for now.

    I am more excited about a potential Mac Mini Update, because I need one of those.

    +1 for the mac mini update. My G4 is getting long in the tooth (ancient by computer standards), but still chuggin' away. I want a MM and Lion upgrade.

    justin bieber dood. Justin Bieber#39;s �Baby� Number
  • Justin Bieber#39;s �Baby� Number

  • bigmc6000
    Jul 20, 11:51 AM
    Anybody else notice that they predicted increased revenue but decreased net income? That SCREAMS to me that they plan on selling some unreleased lower-margin products. It pretty much has to be something large considering everything is getting cheaper as time goes by so we're either talking about processor updates across the board, a drop in price (MacBook 999 anyone? ;) or an updated nano with greater storage capacity at same price points. I would tend to think it's the latter seeing as how that would directly correlate to an increase in sales but a decrease in margin. Any other thoughts??

    justin bieber dood. this would be a good forum
  • this would be a good forum

  • marksman
    Mar 27, 11:36 PM
    It is amazing how limited in vision some people are...

    Seriously people stuck with this idea that the future of gaming is going to be non-portable systems with game controllers forever are going to be very disappointed in the future.

    Ultimately gesture based movements and other mechanisms will be used for gaming, not a freaking glorified joystick. It is silly to believe otherwise.

    Again people saying you couldn't play with a touchscreen device without looking at it have no imagination or understanding. Definately within two years you will be shown to be horribly wrong on this point.

    You keep believing the future of gaming is going to remain in the hands of traditional 8 year console development cycles... It is not going to happen.

    It would be like saying you can't play any real game on a console, you need a pc for it. I certainly can do much more in terms of controlling and playing a game on a computer than I can do with any console controller.

    justin bieber dood. Justin bieber zachthere he
  • Justin bieber zachthere he

  • macmike47
    Jan 12, 06:04 AM
    I don't think it's going to happen. Yet.

    But I imagine one day it will. We already have wireless internet/networking. Wireless USB is certainly on its way. Wireless power as a concept is feasible. When we all have bluetooth headphones, that will eliminate need for any physical connector at all. A truly wireless MacBook. :D

    justin bieber dood. +justin+ieber+2011
  • +justin+ieber+2011

  • vettori
    Jun 22, 04:09 PM
    Now consider these facts :

    - new mac mini with hdmi
    - "iSlate" or "Magic Slate" coming (possibily with gyro/accelerometer) ?
    - developers of iOS apps are converting apps for iPad resolution 1024x768 and/or retina display resolution 960x460

    If Apple releases a new software than runs on the mac mini, can be controlled using the Magic slate and can run iPad or retina display optimized apps, with iOS4 standard apps for music, videos, mail and internet, connected to an hdmi tv....

    Now this is something I would like a lot to have at home.

    And you ?

    justin bieber dood. justin bieber 2011. justin
  • justin bieber 2011. justin

  • Tmelon
    Mar 31, 09:43 PM
    I heard iChat got a new UI. Can someone take screenshots?

    All of your contacts are apparently in one window. It was in the first build, but now it's enabled by default apparently. I'll know for sure when my copy finishes downloading.

    justin bieber dood. justin bieber 2011. justin
  • justin bieber 2011. justin

  • Kashchei
    Aug 27, 06:01 PM
    the new intel integrated graphics isn't ready, is it? So these will be merom minis with a GMA 950?

    This is the $64K question. Does anyone know when the X3000 is due to be released?

    justin bieber dood. new justin bieber pictures
  • new justin bieber pictures

  • kntgsp
    Sep 14, 10:46 AM
    The way CR seems to approach it (and I might have to reread their article that they keep changing and updating and reaffirming and I lost interest a while ago) is as if they approached a computer review like this:

    "The aluminum Macbook can survive a 3 foot fall and still function. The aluminum Macbook will not melt on the stove."

    "The plastic Toshiba can survive a 2.8 foot fall and still function. The plastic Toshiba will melt on the stove."

    They then give excess weight to the latter statements about each laptop despite it not really being a normal use scenario and declare the Toshiba not recommendable. So what's the point? Is "not melting on a stove" an advantage? Sure. Is there a reason you should have a computer on a stove? No.

    It seems like it's more fair to stress the importance of the initial normal use results than the secondary observations that have nothing to do with everyday usage and are not representative of what people will be doing with the device.

    Of course that kind of reasoning is often met with "you can't tell a user how they should use a device". I agree, you can't. However when you label something not recommendable based essentially entirely on the extra -3dB attenuation (compared to my Galaxy S) and the fact that if you place the device on a flat surface and bridge the antenna with your finger you get the same extra -3dB attenuation, I fail to see the credible argument.

    /yes I realize the pinky finger attenuation while laying a phone on a table is not destructive like cooking a laptop is. They are both about as relevant to everyday usage in my opinion.

    justin bieber dood. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • rtdunham
    Aug 16, 03:02 PM
    Why couldn't they make ipods with mini solar cells in like calculators?

    well, the iPod's a mobile product and charging wouldn't work with it in pockets or cases. Of course, we could put it on top of those little beanies the geeks wear. ;)

    justin bieber dood. pictures of justin bieber
  • pictures of justin bieber

  • trekkie604
    Feb 19, 11:53 PM
    I like the wall paper... Which Orbiter and where'd ya get it? :)

    It's Discovery and the image is a combination of 2 photos from NASA's HSF Gallery. You can get it on my dA: http://trekkie604.deviantart.com/art/Shuttle-into-the-Blue-138883539

    How do you like the Dash? Saw one on woot the other day.

    Not bad, I have it displaying Twitter feeds, NHL scores and weather mostly. If I hadn't have got it for a discount, I'd say the MSRP isn't worth it for the features it has.

    justin bieber dood. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • celticpride678
    Apr 1, 12:01 PM
    Has anyone else experienced that the temps has gone up with this release?

    my macbook 5,1 2ghz core 2 duo seems to run well over 70 celcius all the time which means that my fans are going crazy, and i hate that high sound. its fine in idle mode, but as soon i start a program like Xcode or Netbeans or just browse the web.

    its idling at 60-6x celcius.
    and nothing is running at all only activity monitor.

    this didn't happen in preview 1
    or on my SL partition.

    It's likely that Spotlight is still indexing.

    justin bieber dood. new justin bieber pictures
  • new justin bieber pictures

  • Krafty
    Nov 26, 12:14 PM
    For my Mac Mini: Seagate Momentus 7200.4 ST9500420AS 500GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Notebook Hard Drive -Bare Drive


    justin bieber dood. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • andrewbecks
    Apr 21, 01:38 PM
    Does anyone have any insight in how the ability of Thunderbolt to daisy chain will be impact by older Mini-DP devices, such as a 27" Cinema Display? Will it be possible or will the 27" Cinema Display be prevented from functioning in a Thunderbolt daisy chain?

    I'm holding off on buying an iMac until the refresh, but if I won't be able to use my Cinema Display with Thunderbolt devices, than I may not need to wait.

    justin bieber dood. +justin+ieber+2011
  • +justin+ieber+2011

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 19, 02:49 PM
    Finally a Mac rumor instead of all those iDevice rumors!

    justin bieber dood. cancer Justin+ieber+happy
  • cancer Justin+ieber+happy

  • Uofmtiger
    Jan 11, 10:03 PM

    very nice! The 135 is a quick car! (especially because its sooooo light).
    How do you like the handling on it though?
    For me personally I would probably not get the 1 series for some reason, I'm just not a fan of the looks that much - now the 335i coupe, thats a killer car!
    I was intending on getting a 335i coupe and decided to take the 135i for a spin for kicks (it was the year they came out). While they run about the same speed, the 135i just felt quicker. I ended up with the 135i vert ( pic in old thread). I have had two 3 series before, so this was just a change of pace.

    For those that think it is too tall, keep in mind that it gives it a much roomier feel inside. I am 6'4 and I could not fit in a miata sized car. When I get in a 3 series, even it feels less roomy in the cockpit.

    I also like the fact that the 1series is much more rare, around here anyway, than the 3. I still love the 3, though.

    justin bieber dood. hot justin bieber 2011
  • hot justin bieber 2011

  • aafuss1
    Aug 29, 06:34 PM
    No Blu-Ray, as slot load would not be able to have enough cooling-leave it for next Mac Pro.

    Combo drive disappears, and is now EDU only. All retail now have DVD burning as standard-like on the iMac. Core Duo on all 2 configs. Perhaps a air-cooled GPU with dedicated RAM for the best modfel.

    justin bieber dood. hot justin bieber 2011
  • hot justin bieber 2011

  • twoodcc
    May 8, 05:22 PM
    a3's on the '08

    -bigadv on the '09s (they occasionally pickup an a3)

    Sorry about the confusion (I should reread what I type) :o

    oh ok i gotcha. what kind of times per frame (every 1%) are you getting with the 09s on the bigadv units?

    Apr 3, 04:16 AM
    Did anyone else thing that was a really bad advert? They hardly showed the product fully at all!
    As I posted above, I thought it was awful. But not for the reason you're suggesting. Not the best way to rate an advert. They're not all show 'n tells. No need to be especially if your product has global brand recognition, and all about the experience.

    Case in point...


    May 3, 09:02 AM
    But my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.

    I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.

    Uh, this comment is entirely wrong. With iOS, you can download something and move to another app and it will continue downloading in the background. The multitasking APIs have all the obvious backgrounding tasks covered and will likely include more if needed. Basically the goal is to allow background tasks when needed and when not needed let the app suspend and release resources to the apps you actually need. This method in iOS has proven to work far better than traditional operating systems like Mac OS X and Windows. That's why they are bringing it "Back to the Mac OS". The best parts of what they developed in iOS are being added in Lion.

    I think most people's problem is that they mistakenly viewed iOS as inferior in every way to Mac OS X but in many ways it is cutting edge and far better than OS X and Windows have ever been. The way iOS multitasking works is the reason very powerful and memory hungry apps like iMove and GarageBand for iPad work so surprisingly well on such a limited memory device. The apps get to use a much larger percentage of the CPU, GPU, and RAM than they do on traditional OSes under normal usage where you have multiple apps open.

    Right now I have a bunch of tabs open in Safari on my Mac and it's consuming a little over 1GB of RAM and lots of CPU. If I switch to Photoshop, Safari is still going to be using up all that RAM and CPU I really need for Photoshop when I don't plan on using Safari again until later today. And I don't want to shut it down because I have a bunch things in these tabs that I want to get back to later today including partially typed forum replies, halfway read articles, etc. On the iPad, Safari would suspend and release the RAM and CPU to my currently used RAM/CPU hungry app. That's what they need to bring to Lion.

    Nov 25, 11:02 PM
    My gosh, they gigantic case joke was funny at first, then he tells you it's not amusing to him anymore, so you continue. You're beating a dead horse. In fact, this horse's insides are smeared all over the road.

    Yes, Thank you, Beating a dead horse.

    I'm a manager at an eyewear boutique. This is not Sunglasses Hut. We do not carry Oakley. We specialize in high-end, independent, mostly European designers that most people haven't heard of.

    $400 is average for a pair of frames. The average pair of rx glasses without insurance is between $700 and $900.

    I have never seen a case as intense as that gun case used to protect eyewear, ever! But don't take offense, each to his own.

    Just wanted to raise awareness to all these people stating that $200-$400 is "expensive" for eyewear when they are spending $$$$$$ on phones, computers, tvs, etc; which are probably replaced more frequently than the glasses which help them see and are the first accessory others see on them.

    Glasses should be as important of an investment as your fancy electronics.

    Check out these brands if you're interested: ic! Berlin, Face a Face, Orgreen, Bevel, undostrial, strada del sol, historie du voire, theo, and so many more.

    - eyewear nerd:cool:

    Cool, Good for you, I personally have never liked "boutique" stuff, Just because of bad experiences with guitarists who worship the term and think anything else is horrible.

    That being said, I've never heard of Oakley as "boutique" But if they do, I will admit that would have made me sound like a hypocrite. Also, I was not aware that that case is a gun case, That is just speculation made by another MacRumors member. As I said, I purchased it at a photography store and it is a Pelican Case.

    From what I've seen most gun cases are metal? Eh, Whatever. Not another argument please.

    Now... To end the eyeglasses argument forever, It is no longer my latest purchase.

    I purchased a blue iPod Shuffle for my good friend and physical trainer.


    Jan 13, 05:56 PM
    Yeah I guess there are a lot of problems with this.

    But how cool would it be if the sides were completely clean. Maybe they could have a USB and audio output one the side that has a cover that slides over when it is not being used.

    I remember when wifi came out and there were all of these commercials about how there were no wires.

    But now there will never be any wires ever.

    I am just wishful thinking and do not actually know about the complexity that this kind of charging entails but it sounds cool if it worked.

    Maybe it's not as cool as having ZERO ports but Apple did patent the idea of collapsible ports:



    Apr 26, 02:16 PM
    If you guys can't differentiate between the use of "application" or "program" and "app store" vs "appstore" then I'm clearly wasting my time haha.

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