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  • ShavenYak
    Jul 18, 08:19 AM
    Until they at least come close to matching the model that Mac The Ripper, Toast and Blockbuster 3 dvd postal rental gives me, I'll have to decline the Studios kind offer regarding rental rather than ownership.;)

    Yeah, and I'm not going to buy another new car until the auto manufacturers match the deal I can get with a coat hanger, screwdriver, and pair of pliers. :rolleyes:

    Just because it's cheaper to obtain illegally doesn't mean you're getting a bad deal when you acquire it legally. And it sure as hell doesn't make it right. Of course, it's obvious that concepts like right and wrong don't matter much in modern society. :mad:

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  • justin bieber pictures to

  • CWallace
    Jan 11, 07:43 PM
    they also think the macbook's gonna have a super drive standard across the line, so they're obviously not talking about the same thing

    Considering how inexpensive DVD burners are now, it probably costs Apple more to stock non-burners (for builds and AppleCare) in addition to burners then just moving purely to burners, so that would support a move to SuperDrives across the board.

    justin bieber pictures to color. Posted to: Justin Bieber
  • Posted to: Justin Bieber

  • PantherJeep
    Mar 1, 03:28 PM
    That may be true of the huge American diesel truck engines, but go examine a new VW, BMW or Mercedes diesel and you'll see that this is just not the case anymore. They sound a little different, smell a little different, but not worse than gasoline - it's just that we are so used to gas engines that everything else is assumed to be worse somehow.

    This. You can barely even smell the exhaust - if at all - even from the new truck engines with DPFs. The Cummins ISB in the Dodge, in particular, is effectively odorless (though they were having durability problems with their DPFs - dunno if that's solved yet or not).

    That said though, right this moment I'm very glad I don't have to buy diesel fuel. The price per gallon for #2 is hovering right around $4/gallon (http://www.sandiegogasprices.com/index.aspx?fuel=D) at all the stations near me (North San Diego County).

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  • pictures,justin bieber

  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 05:16 AM
    Hahah bloody arrogant Australian.


    Thats interesting coming from a New Zealander. Very interesting

    You have to remember that you are a nation of Australian wannabes

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  • Justin Bieber Home Design

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 20, 02:33 PM
    Why would be ever see this on an iMac? Mac mini, yes (it was overdue). iMac, never.

    And would be redundant now that displayport carries audio and is easily converted to HDMI.

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  • Justin Bieber Color Edit

  • neiltc13
    Mar 25, 06:50 PM
    It's pretty astounding, little more than a year later, that this is even possible on a tablet device, and to this degree of ease and sophistication. Compare the growth and advancement from January 2010 to March 2011.

    You're not getting the point.

    It is quite impressive, but a racing game is definitely not the sort of thing that is remotely comfortable to play on a touch screen. They need precise control to be fun and no tablet or touch screen device will ever off that.

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  • rdlink
    Mar 22, 09:59 PM
    I have way more than 50,000 songs, and even the worst of them is more necessary than your comment.

    To each his own. But come on. 497 days worth of music? That's almost a year and a half of listening to music 24 hours a day without listening to the same song twice. I think you'd have to replace the battery before then.

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  • Object-X
    Nov 27, 03:20 PM
    I don't understand this. Apple has carried a 20" monitor as their low end for two years. Why offer something even smaller after so long? This seems like a step backwards. Why not reduce the 20" to $399 and lower the price of the other two? Dell is putting major price pressure on Apple with their monitors; though they are not as good looking, the price has no doubt won over many would be buyers...not me of course. :p

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  • 63dot
    Nov 25, 01:07 PM
    They're just ****ing sunglasses...

    That's what I thought, but I have seen some in the $300 to $400 dollar range, more with precious stones (actually, much much more).

    These cool ones are $250 to $400 and quite nice, but so not me. I could never get enticed into high end, multi-purpose glasses unless they came bundled with OS X and I could navigate through it using just my mind. :)

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  • Justin+ieber+pictures+to+

  • aussie_geek
    Oct 23, 10:37 PM
    I'll grant you some slack on a lot of the points you've made, but I simply can't sit here and read your smug comments about people waiting for the C2D without pointing out at least one thing you are missing. Just exactly how do you expect your Core Duo MBP to support 64-bit instructions when Leopard comes out? Oh, that's right. It won't. You're severely misguided if you think that won't make a difference.

    yes, my macbook pro will not support 64 bit instructions. i was fully aware of that when i bought it.

    leopard is confirmed to be 64 bit all the way through -ie the user interface is as well. i do agree that 64 bit GUI applications will surface but you can't say that all 32 bit machines will be massively disadvantaged and become redundant.

    what you have implied is that the 64 bit thing will be so massive and make so much of a difference to your computing experience that a 64 bit notebook computer is essential.

    btw - the g5 has been out for years. umm wait. it's 64 bit too :rolleyes: where are the MAINSTREAM apps that utilise the 64 bit facility of tiger??


    justin bieber pictures to color. justin bieber pictures to
  • justin bieber pictures to

  • iBug2
    May 2, 06:03 PM
    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    Obviously the guy you replied to did not know anything he was talking about. Apple's resume function on Lion does not break the multitasking we have on SL anyway and it's just a nice addition.

    justin bieber pictures to color. justin bieber pictures to
  • justin bieber pictures to

  • blackghostknife
    Oct 23, 11:29 AM
    New MacBook Pro's and video iPods for some, abortions and miniature American flags for others

    Yeah, um... what?

    And I think I'll take the former...

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  • dextertangocci
    Jul 14, 02:20 AM
    HD-DVD all the way.

    Why? It has worse specs than Blu-ray...

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  • when did justin bieber and

  • 4God
    Sep 1, 12:17 PM
    I dunno, I think Apple would include support for a dual link dvi with upgraded graphics card so you could attach a 30" Apple Cinema display. I think this would happen before introducing a 23" iMac IMHO.

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  • Hot justin bieber photo

  • Gatesbasher
    Apr 3, 02:40 PM
    Man. People complaining and I won't even get mine 'till the 28th. Looks like I won't be part of the fun.

    You must be new. Where did you get the idea that you have to have an iPad, or even know what an iPad is, in order to complain? No Flash!! Substandard cameras!! No Blu-Ray drive!! No "stereo" speakers!! Walled Garden?!! No 1GB Memory!! "Light bleed!!!" "Light bleed!!!!" "Liiiiiight Bleeeeed!!!!!!!!!!"

    Now Go!

    justin bieber pictures to color. justin bieber pictures to
  • justin bieber pictures to

  • macbookairman
    Apr 12, 09:22 PM
    I found this audio stream of the keynote. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/foxtrotyankee

    It hiccups now and then but not awful.

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  • which is Justin Bieber#39;s

  • idunn
    Apr 21, 05:47 PM
    ;) Of the nine specific questions Senator Al Franken posed to Mr. Jobs, the ninth may prove the most revealing:

    'To whom, if anyone, including Apple, has this data been disclosed? When and why were these disclosures made?'

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  • Justin Bieber, 16, looks like

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 21, 03:31 PM
    I don't think there will be any conditions: at some point, effective authority will simply be seen to reside with them, rather than Daffy the Duck, and at that point, they will become the de facto recognised representatives.

    That is my thinking as well. I wonder what the Arab League's stance on this will be. They certainly have little love for Gaddafi, but they dread revolutions of any kind. The Libyan opposition seem committed to a parlimentary democracy that would be popularly supported, and that is heartening. There is a real opportunity here for a reasonably good outcome from a political standpoint.

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  • Justin Bieber Wallpaper

  • WyoMac
    Mar 22, 05:41 PM
    Geez.... what did they do long ago... have a 400-disc CD changer in their trunk?

    How did they manage?


    Some of us have been on the planet long enough to remember when 8-tracks came to cars that previously only had AM radios. How did we manage? Actually, we got along fined but bringing my own audio along with us just provides more options. Before the iPod, I would typically pick about 15-20 CD's to bring along with me on a road trip. I got along fine, but invariably I would wish that I had made a few different choices, never knowing what mood might strike me. So now I have an 80GB Classic that is about 95% full. Loaded on it are about 11,000 songs, 50-60 podcasts, a couple audiobooks, and maybe a movie or two. Every time the car leaves town, it goes with me. I take it to work every day and plug it into the sound system in my office. I plug it into an old boombox when I am working in the yard or on house projects. I don't need it to surf the web, play games, read email or anything else. It serves my wants perfectly, and though I am not about to claim that I am in the mainstream, I suspect that there are enough of us to keep a device like this profitable for Apple. I've toyed with the idea of selling this one and buying a 160GB but haven't yet. If Apple does choose to make a classic with high capacity, bluetooth, and airplay, I would buy it in a minute.

    Sep 12, 09:58 PM
    MicroByte - Sorry. I edited my post since you replied. I added a pic just for the heck of it.

    Mar 23, 07:49 AM
    Did not say he would improve it either. :(

    Adding Bluetooth makes a lot of sense.

    It is a hard drive with a screen! What else can they do? I suppose they could put a 1TB drive in there and add thunderbolt. . . . . That would be interesting!

    Mar 23, 01:08 AM
    On the Cydia store there's a package called iClassic, costs $2. But it's the storage that the classic owners want, really.

    There is even one on the official app store Clickwheel made by a harrison Hodgekins for ?0.79.

    Apr 26, 01:42 PM
    Amazon could have just used "AppShop" to avoid this issue, but no, of course not.

    they should use Amazon App Jungle: an un-curated mess. ;)

    Sep 6, 09:24 AM
    Sometimes it's about form over function. This is nothing new for Apple.

    Well quite, but it's going to lock the Mac Mini into being a poor value proposition.

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