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  • FrankM
    Jan 26, 10:31 AM
    Basically people are idiots. It's common knowledge that Apple holds the market share on mp3 players by a huge margin. It will take years (if ever) for Apple to lose that position. However, iPod sales should slow as the market becomes saturated. Everyone now has an iPod, except for the handful of Zune owners and off-brand owners who are just plain too cheap or too dumb to buy the real McCoy. At any rate, Apple now has the challenge to maintain their market share and they will do so through innovation and continually improving their product to get all of us to keep upgrading to the latest and greatest iPod.

    I think investors and analysts alike need to now focus their attention more on the iPhone, movie rentals/:apple:TV and the Macs as this is where Apple still has a lot of room to grow. Apple has a real chance to reproduce the iPod through their :apple:TV and I believe that if/when their movie rental/purchase division does take off, it will be more lucrative than their music division. Apple also gained a 20% market share on the smart phone industry in their first 90 days with the iPhone. I feel that when iPhone take 2 is released, sales of that unit will make the 1st iPhone look like child's play. The fact that the Mac consistently gains market share cannot be ignored. Apple really needs to step up here and get the excitement back into their computers, much like they have done with the iPod/iPhone/iTunes.

    Just remember how terrible the 1st generation iPods were compared to the current models and how far it has come. Apple has the opportunity again to do this with iPhone/:apple:TV/Macs --> yes with the Mac too...they need to innovate again with their computers. Not take a computer and make it thinner and lighter with less features, but really innovate here. Create a paradigm shift in how the world uses and thinks about computers, much like they did with music. Unless you think that Jobs and his crew are done and they have nothing left to give then I say buy Apple. Apple has been in existence for 32 years now and is at the top of their game. They have great momentum, a ton of cash lying around and a great management/marketing/engineering team still in place. Hell, I'm kinda glad that Apple's stock is getting negative press lately. With any success always comes the pessimism of "when" will they fall. You know as well as I do, that when Apple shocks us all again with their innovation, everyone's gonna jump back on board and will probably think twice before leaving again.

    So bottom line is this: When Apple starts showing that they are losing market share in all their divisions, start racking up debt and start giving us dull and crappy products to buy (like their competition) then I'd sell and run...until then buy and hold.....What kills me the most is that all of these financial companies who basically created the mess we are in and are writing down billions in losses every quarter are enjoying nice rebounds to their stock prices. People are idiots.

    Wonderful analysis! I've owned AAPL for about 10 years and follow the stock quite closely (accounting for stock splits, the purchase of my shares averages about $6). This recent drop is a bit of a throw-back to about 8 years ago when AAPL's fluctuations seemed to be caused purely by psychological factors. For reasons too complex to get into here, AAPL has been a stock that trades more in response to emotional factors than business facts.

    This settled out a bit about two years ago when everyone realized that the iPod was a real product that real people were buying and the market share for Macs was increasing. None of this has changed, of course. There was a steady and warranted price appreciation to about the $160 range and then everybody went a little crazy again over the iPhone and AAPL shot up to over $200. Now, for no clear reason, there's panic in the streets and the sky is falling. It may take a year to 18 months, but this too shall pass and AAPL will be over $200 again. Buy now and HOLD!!


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  • Darkroom
    Jun 6, 09:14 AM
    sure. apple has no problem giving a refund, as they keep their 30% that the developer now has to pay. that's a cool $300 that apple just ripped off from the developer all to protect their mistake and their idiot customers.


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  • Aetherhole
    Mar 15, 08:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Nice! That gives me hope! I'll be at the spectrum in half an hour.


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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 29, 11:48 PM
    right now its reformatting into a RAID, boss wanted to RAID it. lost 2 frames no biggie. here's what i got before that

    [22:05:44] pleted 2500 out of 250000 steps (1%)
    [22:54:37] Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps (2%)

    so thats about 50 mins per frame. i was thinking maybe that was due to the clock speed being 2.26 or the HT. the old 3ghz MP does a frame in the low to mid 40s

    wont get to test until tomorrow

    I run this:./fah6 -bigadv -smp 16 -localwhich works all 16 cores/threads, check activity monitor to see how many cores are running, there should be 16 total. The first time I started it there were only 4 running so I shut it down and restarted with the -smp 16 in it and that did the trick.
    I don't want to be ignorant, but I thought that HT was all about utilising the unused portions of each core. But if you're running F@H shouldn't those cores be fully utilised anyway? 2.26 to 2.66 shouldn't make that big of a difference and I didn't know you could even turn HT off, even if you wanted to.


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  • Tragedies
    Apr 11, 06:24 AM


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  • gr8whtd0pe
    Jan 25, 11:36 PM
    $90 shipped for 2TB on newegg. Can't beat that. (link ($S300W$


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  • Earendil
    Mar 31, 12:13 PM
    I'd prefer a clean modern OS with usability first and foremost.

    Who says they haven't? Maybe the iCal developers are so solidly done that they are dinking around with skins now?

    And out of curiousity, what does a "modern OS" look like anyway? Is there some standard or generally accepted look for that? Or perhaps by "modern" you mean "not done before" ? I'm honestly curious about the answer to this.

    Screw the gratuitous eyecandy?

    Eye candy that gets in the way of functional is stupid. Otherwise, as long as I can modify it, I couldn't care less.


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  • MacVault
    Nov 4, 06:28 AM
    That native partion support to use virtualization or dual booting would be awesome, having the best of both worlds (Boot Camp & Virtualization). I look forward to it!

    YES! That would be sweeeeet!


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  • maflynn
    Sep 14, 10:39 AM
    Here's my latest and greatest A silverstone ft02 case
    It has a unique design in that it provides positive cooling. The motherboard is rotated 90 degrees, the all the air is pulled up from the bottom and push out from the top. Not the typical pulled in from the front, side and pushed out the rear, top.

    Very efficient, my temps went from high 40s to mid thirties. I'm able to over clock my 2.8Ghz core i7 to 3.25 and maintain mod 30c temps.

    The case is very mac like in that its a clean design, and the cutouts hides the cables. The puppy is quite silent as well :D


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  • jaigo
    Oct 24, 08:51 AM
    What about those of us that bought MBP's in August? The upgrades weren't in the forcast! Ugh, I really hate it when this happens!

    That's why you should have been patient. :)


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  • Doylem
    Apr 14, 09:17 AM


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 17, 08:04 AM
    What about a Magic Trackpad?

    Trackpads and touch screens are quite different input devices. Touch screen input requires that you actually "touch" what you want to manipulate. With a trackpad, you don't have quite the precision to precisely put your finger on an object on screen, since the object is not displayed on the track pad.

    It just doesn't translate that well. Trackpads still very much require cursors, which iOS's UI lacks.


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  • hansiedejong
    Oct 23, 10:43 AM
    The new MacBook Air, 11.6'' base model. Going to New York during christmas and will buy there the new Air. Here in The Netherlands it costs 1000 euro, in the USA it's around 700 euro (converted dollar - euro). Difference of 300 euro!


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  • Popeye206
    Apr 13, 01:58 PM
    Hummm... make it a little of everything.... Build in a Mac, and AppleTV with Wifi, Airplay, Blue tooth, and Thunderbolt.

    Now you have a computer, a media center and a TV. Add a wireless keyboard with a build in trackpad and now I can sit on my couch and do everything. And don't forget... link in your iPad or iPhone for more fun! :)

    I'd become the iPotato! LOL!


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  • lbro
    Apr 22, 03:41 PM
    So is twelve enough players or do you guys want more?


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  • Clix Pix
    Jan 10, 08:27 PM
    I stumbled on to this discussion and continued reading the thread out of fascination.....

    This woman clearly has some mental health issues. Aside from the obvious obesity, she clearly may have some physical issues, too, which are only contributing to this overall situation. That is most unfortunate and I really do hope that she is receiving both medical and psychological help, as she certainly is demonstrating that she is very needy, very in need of help outside of herself and her own little world.

    It's interesting, isn't it? Onlookers recoil in horror at the sight of a very obese, morbidly obese, beyond-morbidly obese, individual and shudder. Someone who is 400, 500, 600 pounds or more just isn't a lovely sight.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum onlookers also recoil in horror at the sight of a very emaciated individual, someone who is skeletal, skin-and-bones..... Someone who is an adult, even a short one, weighing in at 40, 50 or 60 pounds just isn't a lovely sight, either.

    Funny how very often the emaciated ones (those suffering from anorexia nervosa, which is a clinical diagnosis outlined and fully described in the psychiatric literature and the DSM -- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual -- issued on a periodic basis by psychiatrists) -- do wind up in a clinical setting, either a medical floor or a psychiatric floor...... It's pretty clear to even the most naive of laypersons that there is something wrong when a person seems to be starving him/herself to death and is presenting as skeletal.

    Funny that when someone is going to the opposite extreme and stuffing him/herself to death that it isn't acknowledged in the same way and that very often it is only when someone has really gone to extremes such as weighing several hundred pounds over mere "overweight" status that anyone really takes notice. When someone presents weighing 600, 700, 800 pounds, yes, that is suggestive of the need for clinical intervention, both medical and psychological, isn't it?

    On both ends of that spectrum, people die. Anorexics weighing 30 or 40 or 50 pounds die -- they also can die at much higher weights, closer to "normal" weights, too, actually, if the refeeding process and clinical treatment isn't handled carefully. Yes, they can die at so-called "normal" weights due to some underlying psychological issues never being addressed at all or not being addressed successfully even as the weight is seemingly restored.

    Undoubtedly many people who have gotten to the point of morbid obesity or beyond that also have died, even during the process of attempting to restore weight to a healthier or more normal level....and again, chances are that this is due to the underlying psychological issues never being addressed or being inadequately addressed.

    Sad, isn't it? Going to extremes in any direction is not a good thing and when this occurs it usually is pointing to significant underlying issues in an individual's life which really need to be addressed along with the particular weight situation.

    Don't be repelled by the severely obese person you meet or the severely emaciated person you meet; these are real people with real feelings, real issues hiding in there somewhere and the bottom line is that these are people who need help.


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  • crainial
    Oct 18, 11:37 PM
    Its clear Apple is missing something in the midrange desk top line. Its time for the Cube or Macintosh or headless iMac or Max Mini or something. iMac isnt for everyone and the world has billions of big beautiful displays just waiting for a midrange Mac but if Apple prices it again the same as the towers it will be another failure. Its way past time for the next Macintosh. Needs a real GPU, at least 1 expansion slot and should be priced right along with ugly iMac:D or a pinch below.

    I couldn't agree more. A Conroe machine would fit this bill nicely. I don't have $2500 to spend on a CPU, but want a more powerful desktop. Not that a Mac is a mere PC, but the VAST majority of Windoze PCs are under $600. Why not put out a $700-1000 Mac? Increase the market share even more. Of course then Wal-Mart would want them, a sure sign of the end...


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  • goobot
    Apr 23, 08:10 PM
    They might just be testing it so when T-mobile is part of att it would work across the network instead of atts original network.


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  • NoNothing
    Mar 29, 01:48 PM
    So the reason apple charges more is because??? Seems like google is a better deal.

    Not like that matters, if you develop for OSX, iOS or both... Then the sky high price might be worth it.

    It is 5 days and not 2? Apple has more sessions?

    Oct 19, 06:43 AM
    but try bringing a white MacBook into a corporate office meeting...
    the white macbooks are totaly accepted by women in an office setting...

    Oct 18, 05:57 PM
    I hear a bit of what he is saying though. I mean there wasn't much innovation, just.... it was more like building the perfect car, say something like a Subaru WRX ( my car that I love very much) but replaced with a nicer engine from Porsche.... some better tires off a Lancer.... a nice tranny off of Porsche again.... neverthless... this is what they did with the Mac. Took some great stuff out there like Glossy Screen, Webcams, and Intel chips and put em in our loving Mac. However, the only piece of innocation was the Maglev charger. There was no new standards... no new gear. Yet, I do believe you are asking for too much if they are expected to innovate every product revision. Its becoming a very big company.... its no longer a couple thousand products where you can mess-up on some new innovation...

    But I'm not worried... there hasn't been much innovation elsewhere either so its not like Apple is behind... they are in front. Just not WAY in front. We'll see what happens with Leopard/802.11N/Santa Rosa/HD DVDs/Hybrid HDs..... innovation is in the pipeline. Don't worry.

    2007 is going to be a very good year.

    And 2008 even better. Presidential Election! ;)

    Yes, thank you. At least someone else out there is emotionally distanced enough from the iPod and the Apple entertainment sector to be a bit objective.

    Innovation: just what happened to Apple's innovative spirit when it comes to computers? The latest Mac Pro was fitted into the existing (and way oversized) G5 case. The MacBook was disappointing in that - proportionally - Apple did not shrink it at all or make it lighter than its predecessor (a design which had been in existence for about four years). There are more things, but I really don't want to sound like a troll here...

    Apple needs to come out with new computer models that are unlike anything else out there. What about a tiny, thin ultraportable? What about a smaller tower, so those of us that want a pro computer don't have to invest in an oversized monster (which is larger than any PCs in the market that I am aware of). Aren't computers supposed to get SMALLER as the technology advances? Why is Apple obsessed with making the iPod smaller and smaller, but does not care as much about its laptops and desktops?

    The answer: profit, or course. The iPod is Apple's cash cow. And this, my friends, is what I mean when I say that Apple needs to be partitioning off a little of its innovative energy that it is putting into its entertainment sector and bring it back to the computer line.

    Understood now?

    OK, now fire away :)

    May 4, 11:34 AM
    This actually brings up more questions than answers though:

    1) Is this a permanent move to a Fall Release of the iPhone?

    2) When, if ever, are they going to unite the CDMA and GSM iPhone releases (possibly in iPhone 5 with "World Chip")?

    3) Does this affect the timing of iOS's release, which has traditionally been released with the new iPhone and has been centered around the iPhone's hardware?

    4) The iPod touch has traditionally been released months after the iPhone. If the iPhone is released around Sept, will they release the iPod touch along with it?
    1.) I doubt anything in Apple's schedule is etched in concrete. They will release new products when they are ready. Apple doesn't really need to follow any specific timetable. They got out of tradeshows so they weren't obligated to release new product at a third-party event. If Apple wants to move the iPhone release around the calendar, you better believe they will do whatever they damned well please.

    2.) No one knows. You'll find out when the rest of us do: when Apple announces. The iPhone 5 is a possible candidate (the next likely opportunity would be the iPhone 6). The iPhone 4 (CDMA version) actually has a combo GSM-CDMA Qualcomm chip, although Apple does not utilize the GSM circuitry (there's no SIM card in that handset).

    3.) It's entirely possible that Apple would change the release date for iOS to match a change of the release date of new phone hardware. Because they're Apple and they can do whatever they damned well please. They keep their own schedules.

    4.) I personally do not think the supply chain can support a simultaneous iPhone/iPod touch release. While Apple can generally release things whenever they want, the iPods are a bit of the exception. iPod sales skyrocket during the holidays, so Apple really needs to have their holiday product line set by November. The more likely scenario (if Apple were to delay the iPhone 5 from June/July) would be a late August/early September release of the iPhone 5 and an October release of the iPod touch.

    Jun 6, 10:46 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    You do realize that you too were once a kid as well? :rolleyes:

    My brother has a android phone (:mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

    However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

    What's wrong with Android? My N1 does far more than what a 3GS can do... whatever floats your boat I guess.

    Nov 3, 09:54 AM
    Okay, they fixed the Portal, so I was able to download it, a 79.4MB file, lets see how this runs compared to parallels.
    Post screenshots if you can! :)

    Is this for Intel Macs only or will it work on PPC too?

    Intel Macs only. I'm pretty confident that anything involved with running Windows on a PPC Mac is dead by now :rolleyes:

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