what colour are justin bieber eyes

what colour are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber girlfriend
  • justin bieber girlfriend

  • kepner
    Apr 4, 02:14 PM
    That's true, but even in iOS the address bar hides when you scroll down to save space for content.

    Not on the iPad.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. HOW ARE YOUR EYES THAT

  • j800r
    Mar 23, 04:57 PM
    I have a huge music collection consisting of 15,648 tracks (and trust me, it's gonna grow). I bought my iPod Classic at the end of 2008. It's a 160GB model and I must say, it's the best portable mp3 player I've ever owned or used in my entire life! As for the person who said the sound quality sucks, I don't know what the hell they're smoking. Maybe they should stop using the default earphones and buy some decent ones, cause the sound quality is perfect!

    I don't care about cover flow being a little laggy. With a music collection as large as mine it would be extremely counter-productive to browse through every single album, so I browse through my extensive list of artists instead, THEN chose the artist's album. Or I just stick it on shuffle and let the iPod surprise me.

    They shouldn't update it either. Nowadays people are spoiled by every little gadget being packed with so many ridiculous features it's unbelievable. The classic is perfect for what it is, and you shouldn't mess with perfection otherwise you'd screw it up. If they discontinued the Classic they'd be discontinuing a legacy and I for one will not be happy.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber eyes. i Love to
  • justin bieber eyes. i Love to

  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 10, 10:53 AM
    Maybe they are rare where you live. In the UK and the rest of Europe they are more common that automatics.

    lol, exactly

    the vast majority of drivers i know own and prefer manual cars

    i learnt in a manual, but my folks have am automatic so lost the skills a little, but i do miss driving manual cars

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber eyes closed.
  • justin bieber eyes closed.

  • 0815
    Apr 19, 11:43 AM
    Just in time - I just decided yesterday that it is time to replace my first generation Intel iMac. I hope they have a 500GB SSD option for the update (the current option of 256 GB SSD is too small and you cant even order them with two 256GB SSDs). Thunderbold would also be nice (no need for it right away, but I guess in a year or two I will be happy to have one)

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. What color looks hot on Justin
  • What color looks hot on Justin

  • gkuhn
    Feb 24, 05:45 AM
    To be honest it may be more that those in Europe aren't looking for pure horse power as we seem to be wanting here in the US...living very well with the power of my "base" 4 banger 2003 Subaru Baja...

    We don't have big blocks here in Germany. Compared to a gasoline engine, driving a diesel engine is much more fun (due to higher torque). More than 70% of BMW 7-series and Audi A8 are sold with a diesel engine. Even Porsche is offering diesel as an option for the Panamera.
    Diesel engine is a nice combination of driving fun and fuel saving.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Portraited by: Justin Bieber
  • Portraited by: Justin Bieber

  • MacRumors
    Jun 22, 11:46 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/22/apple-to-launch-ios-enabled-imac-with-touch-interface/)


    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Peta#39;s at it again: Justin
  • Peta#39;s at it again: Justin

  • syklee26
    Sep 1, 03:10 PM
    Not more products... more BTO options. Here's my ideal line.

    Mac Cube - $499
    Low-end Conroe
    512MB RAM
    80GB HD (full-size)
    Intel Graphics

    Mac Cube - $699
    Mid-end Conroe
    1GB RAM
    120GB HD
    Intel Graphics

    All BTO... up to mid-end Conroe, 4GB of RAM, real video card, and even a 500GB HD!

    As it is now, but modernized specs and low to mid-Conroe. BTO DOWNgradable to the current "education" model.

    Mac Pro
    Also as it is now.

    MacBook White - $999
    Low-End Merom
    1GB RAM
    60GB HD
    Combo Drive
    Intel Graphics
    13" Matte Display

    MacBook White - $1299
    Mid-End Merom
    1GB RAM
    80GB HD
    Intel Graphics
    13" Matte Display

    BOTH models are equally upgradable... to 2GB RAM, 100GB HD, Low-End Graphics Card.

    MacBook Pro 15" - $1799
    High-End Merom
    1GB RAM
    80GB HD
    128MB Graphics
    15" Matte Display

    MacBook Pro 17" - $1999
    Same as 15" with 17" screen.

    See? FEWER models, more BTO. Much easier to find a Mac you agree with.

    you can always wish but there is no chance in hell we will see this kind of pricing.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Eye Color is: Blue
  • Eye Color is: Blue

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 19, 05:01 PM
    As if we need to be told that.

    This forum needs a delete post function. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I get confused and even post accross a different forum by accident. lol Too much multitasking! :p

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. What girl would not want
  • What girl would not want

  • SciFrog
    Mar 23, 06:06 PM
    Hopefully the bigadv will switch very soon to SMP2, they have much better restart rates. I also loose the unit almost everytime if I stop it or reboot...

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. RED is the color of love,
  • RED is the color of love,

  • simie
    Nov 16, 12:50 PM

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber eyes closed.
  • justin bieber eyes closed.

  • Sbrocket
    Jan 11, 11:34 PM
    How about MacBook Zephyr
    MacBook Breeze
    MacBook Frizbee

    Now those REALLY sound bad. Air isn't so bad, this is just the typical reaction people get after a release of..."Oh man, this is the end of the world...the name sucks, where's this feature we made up, why doesn't it solve world hunger, I hate the design."

    Maybe people will learn to lower their expectations a little, hype stuff less, and be pleasantly surprised when the next big thing comes out that actually meets reasonable expectations without discouraging you by not meeting unreasonable ones. (That wasn't to you specifically, by the way, just a general statement.)

    Edit: I thought about it again...MacBook FRIZBEE? You know what you do with a Frizbee, no? Plus, most frizbees are thicker than even a MBP.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Did Justin Bieber crop his
  • Did Justin Bieber crop his

  • Cygnus311
    Apr 19, 09:02 PM
    The GPU alone in this revision will determine whether I'm buying an iMac or building a PC. If the GPU is even close to competitive in the gaming dept. for a little while, then I'm in.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. FBI eyes up Justin Bieber#39;s
  • FBI eyes up Justin Bieber#39;s

  • DeusInvictus7
    Nov 24, 07:28 PM
    Picked these up earlier today. So much fun!

    GT 5

    Logitech Driving Force GT

    hit me up online if you wanna race :) PSN Name is my forum name.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Justin Bieber Laser Eyes
  • Justin Bieber Laser Eyes

  • hellomoto4
    Mar 30, 11:30 PM
    Urgh, new iCal really is horrible.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Justin Bieber has a pair of
  • Justin Bieber has a pair of

  • Mr-Stabby
    Apr 12, 09:19 PM
    What was the render dialog ?

    If a clip needed processing before it could be played back in real time (like if you've added an effect to it, or it was in an un-native format, you had to 'render' the clip, and Final Cut couldn't be used until the render had finished. If you are a professional editor like me, this going is a BIG plus.

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Justin Bieber is looking for
  • Justin Bieber is looking for

  • takao
    Mar 7, 06:17 PM
    It's entirely possible to turn a brand around of course, as VW demonstrated with ?koda, it's only 15 years ago that ?koda was still the punchline to almost every joke.

    if any car company has shown to have any knowledge about badge engineering/branding it's VW AG
    skoda is the obvious recent example of the last 15 years
    but compare it to what they did to Audi since 1980 ?
    the best way to describe pre 80ties audi ? the famous morris marina quote from Top Gear:
    "I'll guarantee that nothing exciting, vibrant, dynamic, new, creative, hopeful or beneficial in any way to humanity has ever been done, thought of or driven to in that drab, dreary, entirely beige, wilfully awful pile of misery."

    believe it or not back in the 70ties Opel actually had a trendy, sporty and young reputation/image not unlike Audi has today

    in fact i have some old magazines around from the early 70ties and its hilarious to read if you compare the raving reviews Opel got in the past with todays "not as bad as other cars but still cheaper than a VW" reviews

    Doesn't say much really does it. ;)

    I think you highlight the real issue in the rest of your post. But it doesn't just affect Opel. And that is perhaps GM's biggest problem of all.

    it's not exactly GM alone:
    yes VW are really bland looking too, but opposed to many GM vehicles if you take the badge away you would be still able recognize that the vehicle is a VW ... with some of the new Opels i'm not so sure (Chevrolet at least got that hideous split grill),
    Ford actually isn't any better. their latest fiesta very much looks like a 8 year old peugeot from the front. hardly surprising their sales havent quite lived up to the last models sales afaik

    It's not really streamlining when you have something like 6 suv/off-roaders in your range a'la Nissan is it? ;)

    true but looking at nissan i would say they are streamlining themselves out of the european market ;)
    yes they are selling the GT-R in europe and launching their own luxury brand Infiniti... for what ? to follow the "success story of 20 years Lexus europe"
    so they will be selling luxury cars , fake offroaders, a single halo car without any interesting cheaper car to buy ? seriously the new micra is bringing the bland back to the brand .. at least the old micra was a hit with young women
    i really like nissan and some of their last decade stuff but i feel they are going back to their 90ties role in europe. and remembering my grandfathers old nissan ... please don't go there
    (it could be worse: like mitsubishi dropping the EVO)

    Not if the Spark is anything to go by. Fortunately as the i10 proves, being Korean isn't the problem. ;)

    at least hyundai finally realised that those names they were putting on their models weren't the brightest idea in 95% of all cases

    regarding testing/timing the cars on the N?rburgring: knowing that Audi, BMW and Mercedes have an gentlements agreement not to publish their timed laps i think it's quite a hollow victory for some brands to publish theirs

    the argument for that silent agreement ? they don't want "a horsepower arms race"... look how well that has turned out

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. justin bieber eyes closed.
  • justin bieber eyes closed.

  • Grimace
    Nov 15, 07:58 AM
    Gosh, I'll be able to email and type Word docs SO much faster!! :p

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. sensation justin bieber
  • sensation justin bieber

  • bokdol
    Jul 14, 04:10 AM
    ... and what you'd loose when the disk goes bad :mad:

    but you can say that with most drives....

    what colour are justin bieber eyes. Foreground: Pop star Justin
  • Foreground: Pop star Justin

  • inkswamp
    Apr 3, 03:27 AM
    Contrast that ad to this...


    ... and the message Apple is sending becomes very clear.

    Apr 2, 11:08 PM
    I signed up to post to MacRumors just now so I could post and let you know your analogy is perfect. Excellent post.

    I think so too. The toaster vs oven analogy works better than Jobs' truck vs car analogy. somebody send Jobs an email so he can steal it :D

    Jan 11, 11:34 PM
    How about MacBook Zephyr
    MacBook Breeze
    MacBook Frizbee

    Now those REALLY sound bad. Air isn't so bad, this is just the typical reaction people get after a release of..."Oh man, this is the end of the world...the name sucks, where's this feature we made up, why doesn't it solve world hunger, I hate the design."

    Maybe people will learn to lower their expectations a little, hype stuff less, and be pleasantly surprised when the next big thing comes out that actually meets reasonable expectations without discouraging you by not meeting unreasonable ones. (That wasn't to you specifically, by the way, just a general statement.)

    Edit: I thought about it again...MacBook FRIZBEE? You know what you do with a Frizbee, no? Plus, most frizbees are thicker than even a MBP.

    Mar 28, 03:07 AM
    Playing that game with the HDMI dongle thingy hanging off an iPad looks, um, not ideal. Now, if it could stream it using AirPlay.

    its got to run on the apple tv, airplay has lag, the game runs on the atv and the ios devices are controllers. ATV3?

    Apr 3, 09:24 AM
    What does the iOS scrollbar look like on pages with a black background?

    May 2, 07:45 PM
    Haha so many mad fanboys. " APL Y U RUIN MY OSX"

    I think its a neat trinket, deleting apps this way, but nothing major worth over analyzing.

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